A Party For The Lady Bulma

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After our really accidental lip lock, Vegeta and I ran off stage and then he couldn't help but kiss me again.

"Vegeta, I know that song was a song that we did when we were together but, we can't... I love you Vegeta, but you need to stop kissing me." And then I gave him a hug and ran to the party.

"Good job, Akari! That was the best dance I haven't seen that routine  in forever!" Bulma said and she gave me a big bear hug.

"Yeah, it was nice to dance with him. I haven't felt like that in forever."

"It was even more convincing with that kiss! That was so cute, a fake kiss!" And I felt so strange, it wasn't a fake kiss, it was real...

"Yeah, I thought it was a nice touch..." and Bulma gave me a hug and went on and partyed. Then Whis found me and came to me.

"Well! Hello Lady Katarina! It's wonderful to see you again. Shall we finish our talk?" And he took my arm and we sat at a table while Beerus was getting food.

"Well, I really want to know about you. Tell me about yourself." Whis said as he pulled out a chair and I sat down.

"Well, my name is Akari, my Saiyan name is Katarina, and I can actually use magic."

"Really?! A Saiyan learning magic? Let alone able to have it? You are pretty incredible..."

I looked at his eyes, I was getting lost in then. He had a dreamy look on his face too. His purple eyes were incredible...

Then Gohan made a fool of himself? He was Great Sayaman again! Then I heard gunshots.

"Ah!!! I've been shot!" Videl said, as she held her leg.

What happened now?!

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