Rushing Back

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After a few moments on one on one training with Whis, I felt pretty comfortable with my new powers. I felt faster than before, I could sense so much, and I didn't feel drained after I used my powers. These were incredible, but after I got out I that form, I definitely felt it.

That's the only thing that I could never get use to... but ever thing else was really awesome.

Then I heard Beerus wake up, he was falling from rock to rock.

"Why are there those fighters here, Whis?!" He yelled and I was spooked by that.

"Well, they wanted me to train them, so this time they came here with a dish called Pizza." Whis replied, then Beerus' eyes got wide.

"This time?! So they have been bribing you with food to come and train?! Did you save anything for me you hog?!" And Whis still stayed calm.

"There is a few slices I have saved for you in the box over there." And Beerus rushed to the box.

Then Whis started training the boys a bit. They were getting faster, but they need to realize if they worked together, they would be unstoppable. Goku sometimes doesn't have me fight because he 'has it handled'...

Men... Sayain Men... the most egotistical men I met. Beside Hercule... he just thinks he better than everyone.

I sat next to Beerus, which didn't seem to bother Beerus. I could smell the pizza, it smelled so good...

"Whis! What is this gooey substance on this?" Beerus barked at Whis

"Let me see... it was something... I can't think of the name..." Whis said as he kept training and Vegeta was getting really mad.

"The substance is cheese! Why do you have to interrupt our training for such silly questions!" And Beerus stood up.

"Vegeta, remember you are here because of food, don't complain... plus I can ask Whis anytime about anything. If you are going to talk to me that way, I will destroy Earth right now!" Beerus said and Vegeta shut right up. They kept on training.

Whis then looking at his scepter, one eye closed and looked into the orb on the top. It revealed a huge strawberry sundae and Bulma. What did Bulma want with Whis, I didn't know...

"Well, we should go to Earth to have that called an ice cream sundae." And Beerus loved the idea and stood next to Whis.

"Meet us down at Earth, you three."

Then Vegeta looked at both Goku  and I.  It looked like he was trying to decide something.

"Alright, I will find Bulma's and I will be going." And then Vegeta grabbed my hand.

"Can I go with you?" And I smiled, and blushed.

"Yeah... you can..."


Sorry for such a long time for a update...

I hope you all liked it!

Until next update!


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