7K Special

660 8 9

Hello to all my readers!!!

Thank you so much for all these reads, votes, and support! I love each and everyone of you!

So for this special, let me take you back... I want to tell you how this idea had all started.

Long ago...

I got back into DBZ from like a 5 year gap. I realized how much I loved that show so much, so I decided to make a character and place me in the world of  DBZ.

Once I had my character, I had to think of her Saiyan name. Funny story... she is named because of my craze with Vampire Diaries. Yes... that show with those awesome vamps known as the Salavatores... yep... and DAMON!!! AAAAAHHHHH! *fangirl spasm!*

Anyway... yeah, Lady Katarina was TVD's Kathrine, the same vamp that turned Stefan and Damon.

Back to where my concepts came from... I had so much time on my hands back then, I would go outside and play with the Imaginary Z-Fighters and interact as Katarina.

Once I started writing my first fanfics, I started sharing them. My friend on here told me my stories were really great and wanted me to join here. I did, and I wrote my first Wattpad fanfic... Labyrinth: An Untold Story.

I wasn't getting a ton of reviews... so then I decided to release my Katarina into the world. She is now a part of you all and will always be there.

Katarina has always been the biggest part of me, and I hope she is a big part of you all!

I would like to thank you all for hanging on, going along with this Fanfic and giving me the support I need to do this.

Until Next Update!

KatarinaTheSaiyan <3

(Ps. Sorry for the late updates, I have been really busy. I will try my best to update when I have free time.)

The Story of Katarina, the Saiyan Girl [DBZ Awards]Where stories live. Discover now