6K Special!

691 9 29

My goodness! I have 6k reads in this book! I can't believe this... not at all... I am speechless. Thank you all for hanging in with this story. I can't believe all the reads, votes, and readers out there. I am so thankful for you all! I never thought that starting this book would be this huge.

As I always do I have a Q&A session in comments. But I want to know about you, my wonderful readers.

So please answer the following questions.

1) What is your favorite part of the book?

2) What made you read this book?

3) What made you keep reading this?

4) Would you like to see a sequel to this book? (Which will be DB: Next Gen)

5) Who is your favorite character?

6) Any words you want to say to me? (Please be positive)

7) What do you want to see next in this book or my next DBZ book?

8) Do you want Katarina and Vegeta to be in a relationship again? (If you guys are creative with ship names, I would love to know your input. Maybe someday I will have people/ Fans that ship these two)

Thank you all, you are all incredible!

I will try to update as soon as I can!

Until next update!

KatarinaTheSaiyan ♡

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