Finding The Answer

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After that encounter with Dark Katarina, I needed to find the answer to get rid of her for good. But there still is the question of how she got there... so I decided to go and find the answer in the scrolls of the lookout.

Once I got to the lookout, I saw Mr. Popo and Dende.

"Well, it's wonderful to see you, Miss Akari, what can I do for you?" Mr. Popo asked.

"I need to go through the scrolls and find the answer to our Dark Katarina problem." And we all went to the scroll room. I couldn't believe the numbers of scrolls I found, it was incredable.

"Did Kami read all of these, Mr. Popo?!" I asked and he shook his head.

"Nope, but I know what scroll you might need." And he pulled one out, it had a dark case on it with a gem in the middle of the case. I opened the scroll and I could feel the magic release from the canister. It was unimaginable power hidden within these words. I then started to read this, my hands holding the old paper scroll.

The dark crystal is the most stable if in its original clumped form. Once pieces are found, the clump returns to its normal form. This can also trap a being made from that crystal, never to be released again.

So we needed to find the pieces of crystals. But where would they be? I didn't know where they went, not unless I had my memories back.

"Mr. Popo, I think I need to have my memories back from the day..." and he shook his head.

"If you have those memories again, you might become unstable again. I don't want you to go though this pain again,Akari..."

"Mr.Popo, this is the only way I will be able to get rid of this dark version of me, just return them to me. I think I can handle them, Mr. Popo."

Then he had Dende do this spell to unlock those memories. The grueling memories returned... the death of Grandpa Gohan, Goku's two deaths, then other memories that I forgot returned... Vegeta's two deaths, Harmony's death... then I saw the future. I saw something launching a big orange ball as big as the Earth and Goku trying to stop it.

Then I blacked out...

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