These Days

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Many days have passed, my brother and Vegeta somewhere I knew of only by my friend Whis.

I was very bored at Goku's... very bored...

"What is this, Aunt Akari?" Goten said as he gave me a white book with gold lettering on it.

"Its my spell book, don't mess with it." I said, having the book in my hands and placing on my shelf next to my bed.

"Do not touch it, ok? I don't want anyone trying to cast spells. That book is magical, anyone can cast spells from that book... so, so not touch." And Goten nodded and I went out the door. I then flew over to Bulma's, she was sitting in her office, tinkering as usual.

"Hey Bulma!" I yelled to her and she smiled and motioned me to come inside.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you since..."

"Yesterday, Bulma, I come here almost everyday. Anyway, I am going to go see Vegeta and Goku. I left them binto boxes here. I have one for each, Goku, Vegeta, myself, Whis, and Beerus. No one can resist my Binto Boxes!" I said and Bulma laughed.

"Yeah, those are so awesome, Akari. Anyway, good luck!" And I grabbed all the boxes and flea outside. I raised the Binto box in the sky.

"Whis!!! Its me! Akari!! Can I come and see the boys?! I got food!!" I said, possibly looking like a crazy person yelling at the sky. Then Whis came and he smiled.

"Lady Katarina, what a pleasant surprise! So what do you have for me?" And I held a box in my hand with Whis written on it. He smiled wildly once I gave it to him.

"A Binto box full of food. I wanted to give them to the boys and yourself and Beerus. And I wanted to have lunch too." I said and Whis smiled, blushing a little.

"Aw... that is so sweet of you, Lady Katarina." And I put all the boxes in a capsule, including Whis'. Whis then took my hand and he took me up to space.

The stars looked very different up here, they were brighter, fuller, and very beautiful. We then were at a entrance of some sort.

"This is where you live?! This place is beautiful!!" I said and Whis smiled,

"Thank you, I try to keep it in the best shape possible." And we walked to a garden where Goku and Vegeta were sparring.

Our footsteps echoed and the boys noticed that I was here.

"Katarina," Vegeta said and I smiled.

"Yes, I am here. Its nice to see you again... nice outfit." And I gave Vegeta a hug, a way I greet him alot.

"Akari! I have missed you, Sis!!" And Goku gives me the biggest bear hug ever, I felt like I was getting crushed.

"G..g..g...o..Goku! Please stop sqeezing me...!" I said and he let me go and I almost fell until Vegeta caught me. I looked in his eyes... I haven't been able to look at those eyes like this in years...

Then he helped me up and I smiled.

"Well, I have a treat for you guys!" And I opened the capsule, revealing the Binto boxes. The boys smiled and literally shouted in excitement. They grabbed their box and they were frantically trying to find chopsticks.

"Are you looking for these, boys? Come get them..." I said and the boys smiled.

Goku punched, I blocked, Vegeta kicked and I blocked it too. Vegeta then tried to grab the chopsticks and I  held them out of his reach. Then Goku knocked my hand with us foot and the chopsticks were falling.

I then went and caught them and threw them to Whis, which he skillfully held the chopsticks in his hand.

Goku and Vegeta went to grab them but they bumped heads, sounding really painful.

"What did you do that for?!" Vegeta yelled out.

"I didn't do it on purpose!!!" Goku said and then kept trying to get the chopsticks from Whis. Then Whis threw them to me and I held them and Vegeta kicked the one set out of my hands.

He then grabbed them and had a smile on his face. He could finally eat his lunch.

Now Goku had to get his chopsticks. I wasn't going to go easy on him, no siree. I was going to give it everything I got.

I flew up into a tree and he followed me and I then jumped out of the tree, leaves going everywhere. I then did a cartwheel and flipped into the pond. I didn't notice I was in the pond until I jumped in.

I swam and Goku swam after me. I swam and swam and then flew up to a bridge. I had the chopsticks in my hands and I sat on the bridge.

"Come on Goku! I thought you were better than me!" I said and he flew and caught the chopsticks and landed in the pond.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Absolutely adorable, brother." I said and he smiled as he stood up in the pond.

"Ha ha, very funny!" And we laughed. A wonderful day for a special lunch.

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