The Biggest Thank You Ever

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Hello everyone! Its nice to see you all!

Vegeta: Katarina... why are we doing this?

Katarina: Well... we need to say thank you to all of our friends and fans!

Vegeta: *blankly* Thank you.... now can we go?!

Katarina: Vegeta! We need to have a proper thank you, not so blankly.

Vegeta: Whatever...

Katarina: I would love to thank you all so much! Thank you for all the support!

Vegeta: ok, let's go!!

Katarina: Wait! Our adventure just doesn't stop! It will continue in another book.

Vegeta: ok?...

Katarina: Thank you all so much, I feel so wonderful that I may have inspired some, given confidence to others. Please share you greatest memories in comments!


Katarina and Vegeta

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