A Very Sticky Situation... I Think?

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Ok, lets take time to review this situation... Let's play, POINT OUT THE OBVIOUS!!!

Let's see what has happened so far... Dabura, a devil looking guy, was flirting with me.

Which made me cringe! And this guy that looks like a oversized cockroach, Babidi, used some sort of magic and stuck both Goku and I together!

This is horrible! I can't fight with my clown of a brother stuck to me! Why am I screaming?!

Anyway, question: how can this get any worse?

Well, hopefully I will not get a answer soon.

Then I got the reminder... I was still stuck to my brother...

"How I'm the  world are we stuck?" Goku said and I started panicking.

"I am freaking out, Goku! Get me out of here!!!! Get me out of here!!! I need to get off of you!!" I was literally screaming, I didn't know what to do.

"I don't want to be stuck to someone forever! Someone help!!" But everyone was wrapped up, Piccolo and Tien were out of commission, and I didn't know where Vegeta and Gohan went. I was stuck here with Goku, literally stuck to him. I was really freaking out, why?!

I pulled and pulled but I couldn't get free.

"Goku?! I don't think this is glue!!! We need to get unstuck before I completely freak!"

"You aren't completely freaking out?" Goku asked and I looked at him with a strange look. 

"Lets try to think rationally, Akari."

"Don't tell me about thinking rationally! You have the ridiculous fear of needles!!" I said, still panicking.

"Yeah, uh huh, and you have a fear of sticky things. You don't think this is a ridiculous fear?!"

Then a big explosion happened.

"Ok now you should worry..." both of us said.

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