Returning To Somewhat Normal

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Many of us thought all this would never really turn back to normal. Now everyone (except Trunks and Goten) knew about Harmony. The dark crystal was locked away and everyone still wondering how I was after all that. Other then the stronger visions and some nightmares, I have been fine.

Then there was that day... the day of Bulma's Birthday party. It was a sunny and beautiful day, and Bulma was basically acting like a queen for a day. She invited all of our friends. Then of course Goku and Vegeta were training like usual... I was also training with Goku. It was also the fact, I forgot that it was Bulma's Birthday...

I was at King Kai's place with Goku. He was in his cute track suit and I was in my Saiyan Armor. I have been hanging around Vegeta way too long... Oh well! I love this armor!

My brother was running around, and I was sitting on the steps of the house with the monkey named Bubbles. He was a cute little monkey. Then King Kai was freaking out abuptly and it was weird.

"What is it King Kai? Root Beers?!" Goku said and King Kai jumped out of skin!

"Yeah... its like a sasapras." And King Kai was sweating hard.

"King Kai, what is wrong?" I asked and King Kai freaked out again.

"It's private Kai stuff!"

"NOW I HAVE GOT TO KNOW!!!" Goku said and was being annoying.

"You were talking to Supreme Kai, Right? I can just ask him." And Goku had his two fingers on his head and King Kai freaked out.

"Ok I'll tell you! But you got to put the fingers down!!!" King Kai yelled and I smiled.

"Ok, you two, there is something i should tell you... sit down." King Kai said... what he was going to say... I didn't know, but they way he was, it might not be good... 

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