Earth, A Place to Party!

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When I arrived at Bulma's party, I noticed I was still in my training clothes. So I then went to go and change. I used my magic to transform my training clothes into a beautiful Saiyan blue dress, a gold belt and white knee high boots with blue leggings. I then put my hair in a quick pony tail with a white bow and went back to the party.

"Its wonderful that you came, Akari!" Bulma said and she gave me a hug.

"Where is Goku? I haven't seen your brother..."

"I don't know, do you know where Vegeta is? I didn't see him..."

"He is off training like usual... I am getting sick of these Saiyans. At least you showed up. And my that is a cute dress, reminds me of Vegeta's armor."

"Thanks! I made out of the same fabric you figured out. It is quite wonderful." I said spinning in my dress and Bulma smiled.

Then Vegeta came, he was sitting by a tree and Bulma went to bug him.

"Well, look who finally shows up to his wife's birthday. What? Just not wanting your wife getting older. It must be nice being a Saiyan, you don't change much with age. Plus, why are you wearing your training get up on, this is a birthday party not a costume  party. Are you even listening to me?"

Then Vegeta totally snapped. "SHUT UP!!"

"Well... that's a nice way to treat your wife on her birthday." And Bulma stormed away.

Then I walked over to Vegeta and he smiled a little, but was still acting weird.

"Hey Vegeta, how are you? You seem to be different..." I said then sat next to Vegeta.

"I am just a little bit... well... flustered. It's like I have a pit in my stomach I can't shake." He said, a really worried look fell upon his face.

"Well if it isn't Prince Vegeta... and is that the lovely Akari with you?" A familiar voice said and Vegeta was frantically looking everywhere for the source of the voice. Everyone thought he had gone nuts, but I heard it too.

Then we both looked behind us, where the pool is, and found Beerus in a lawn chair and Whis standing next to him.

Then Vegeta mumbled something and then stared at Beerus.

"Well, did you know it's inpolite to stare?" Beerus said to Vegeta, who was still in awe.

"It looks like you are having a festivity of some kind... and the food smells delicous." then Beerus licked his lips after he said that sentence.

"Yes, my lord. It's my wife's birthday party."

"Oh! The prince is married? Are you married to the lovely lady next to you?" Beerus asked and I blushed and Vegeta blushed too.

"I wish..." Vegeta mumbled, but then caught himself saying that.

"No, Katarina is my best friend. We did date once before... but it didn't work out... well like we planned..."

"Oh! Then we must come see your wife and congratulate her. Oh! I keep forgetting  why I came here. Have you heard the term Super Saiyan God?"

"Super Saiyan God?!"

"Then I guess that is a no..."

"Beerus, it seems like your dream is simply a hoax." Whis chimed in.

"My dreams are always right!"

Then Bulma walked up, a little drunk it seemed. That lady can't hold her liqueur... at all...

"So, you are spending time with these guys instead of your wife in her birthday..."

"Bulma! This is Lord Beerus... and..."

"My name is Whis..." Whis chimed in again.

And Bulma invited them to come to the party. Then Bulma pulled me aside with Vegeta.

"You know... when you guys dated I always liked your little dance routines you did on special occasions. Could you do one for me? Please!" And we looked at each other and nodded. I was about to dance with Vegeta, I haven't done that in a long time...

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