We Meet The Android, Cell

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I could not wait to battle these guys, which are 16,17, and 18. Vegeta went ahead and started picking a fight with 18. Really?! Vegeta, you have no patience... Why do I even bother?!

Then 17 looked at me, his eyes staring me like tracking lasers. It made me sorta cringe... he was just staring at me.

Then 16 started to battle me, and he was really not that bad.

"Is this all you got?! I though you would be perfect... I am disappointed." I said and Vegeta was getting beaten up. I then started attacking 17, which he smiled at me. He had a smirk, such a ladies man... that was his personality toward me.

Then a green insect guy came and got 17 off me. And used his tail to swallow him! What!!

"Who are you?!" I screamed. He didn't answer and changed his form. He had a weird face, and he was then on top of me, his foot on my stomach.

"My name is Cell, and I need to achieve my perfect form... you are pretty... too bad you will get in my way." He said and Vegeta came.

"Katarina! I got you!" And we were gone.

A few days later we found Cell, he was imperfect right now. He only needed 18, and then he will be perfect. Vegeta and I want to battle him, and the rest tried to find 18. Vegeta had the worst decision ever... he let Cell become perfect after a few minutes of fighting... really?! I could kill him now!

At least I think that was Vegeta...

Then we all saw Cell, he was muscular and his face was better than before.

"To make this a little bit more fun, I will hold a tournament in 9 years time. You have that time to train, and train well." He said and we all went to train and try to live normal lives.

9 years later...

I woke up, nauseated, and my stomach was funny. I never got sick, but I did... what is wrong?!...

Then I had a vision... and it was the same white one... "Mommy!" Harmony called me again, " you are now a mommy!" She called out... and I felt my stomach,no change,I couldn't be...

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