Inside a Monster

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I felt so light headed... I felt like fainting...

Then I saw all these different pod like things... many of them, 3 of them to be exact. I didn't know what to do... I felt like all the energy was draining out of me.

I felt weaker than usual... I am surprised I am still thinking. The. Goku and Vegeta came, Vegeta pulled me up and looked at me. "Are you ok? You seem dazed." He said as held on to me.

"I will be fine..." (I really wasn't) "go get Trunks and the others. They need you more than me." But we needed to find them first. I thought I saw them a few moments ago, but it must have been a dream... I was slowly getting drained.

"Are you sure you are ok, sis? We can give you a little bit of energy? Or is something personal going on?" My eyes got wide. Did Vegeta tell about Harmony? "No, nothing personal, no, not at all! Why would you come to that kind of conclusion?!"

"Well... Chi-Chi got tired when..." then I had my hand on his mouth. "You know I haven't been with anyone Goku! Women don't just have kids when they feel like it!!! Do you think a stork brought babies?!" I said then I felt a little better when I was yelling at Goku, but I was still drained.

We were walking though this horrible place... I hope we can find the boys and get out of here!

I felt rumbling under my feet, it was like a Earthquake! Then two worms came to us, then Vegeta slapped one in fear and it screamed.

"Why?! Why are ya mean to me?! Dad!!! Come here and take care of 'em!!" And we looked at both worms.

"If these worms are kids, I wonder how big their father  is?" Goku said and Vegeta shot back a answer,

"Ewww! Disgusting, I do not want to know how big these disgusting worms are!!" And the worm cried because of the hurtful words of Vegeta.

"Vegeta! I know you are out of your comfort zone, but you need to be nice to them. They might be able to help us get to the boys and get out of here. You know my power is draining and so let's get on our way." I said and there was a bigger worm that came.

"What is happening boys?!" He bellowed and the giant worms complained about something. And then the bigger worm then silenced the others.

"My name is Akari, and this is my brother and this is my friend. I am dreadfully sorry we disturbed you sir. We are trying to find three absorbed boys in here. Do you know where I might find them?" I asked kindly to the worm and he came closer to us.

"Sure, I can help you. Sorry about my boys, they can be a little wimps."


"Beacause, you are just trying to cause trouble with this nice little lady and her friends. Now, lady, go the way we all came and you will find them..."

"Thank you so much, sir. Take care!" I said and we were on our way.

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