Remembering (George)

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First George Weasley X Reader, hope you like it! This follows the events of Deathly Hallows, and in this one you are a student of Slytherin house. Kinda felt like writing this since in Canada, Remembrance Day is tomorrow and we honour the soldiers who fought for our peace and remember them. Well, same idea for the students in the Battle of Hogwarts, right? Anyway, here we go. Brace yourself for the feels.


(Y/N): Your Name

EDIT 09/12/16: I originally put in a romance here, but I'm taking it out. To me, it doesn't seem to fit the context the more I read it. Also because of a suggestion, I will remove it.

A long sigh left your lungs as you took a good look at Hogwarts after the war. Students were still milling around as usual, but the atmosphere seemed so gloomy for some reason. The sun was rising, but you didn't feel cheerful in the slightest. In felt like you were going to break down. So many students' lives have been lost, sacrificed to the Death Eaters who came around. From the Slytherin house, you knew you lost Vincent Crabbe, and Draco Malfoy went with his parents to join the Death Eaters. Rather awkwardly, you might add. And after the official death of Tom Marvolo Riddle, also known as You-Know-Who, or rather Lord Voldemort...while most Slytherins were wandering about aimlessly without any heart to go about their nasty ways, you were just standing there with a heavy heart.

You knew how it felt to lose someone close to you. Shortly after the battle at the Ministry of Magic, just two years ago, your mother had been interrogated and then killed off due to her refusal to join the Death Eaters in Lord Voldemort's rise. Being a Slytherin herself, it was surprising how she could just resist when the heir of Slytherin is on the rise. Your father had been missing during another war, a Muggle battle, actually. So yes, you were a half-blood Slytherin, but you didn't care. You liked it here at Hogwarts. And to lose so many people is like losing so many of your family.

But none of the pain could be compared to one of your friends outside of Slytherin, George Weasley. He had just witnessed his twin's death during the battle, and knowing that he was going through a lot, you couldn't help but feel sorry. Being his friend as well as Fred's, his twin, you two have done a lot together from making mischief together among the other students to just hanging out together like old friends. Typically, Slytherins don't hang out with people of other houses, but they were different, you'd argue. They were like the older brothers you never had.

"(Y/N)?" You heard your friend, Millicent Bulstrode, call over to you.

But you shook your head as your eyes flitted towards George's broken form, crouched by the wall of what remained of the Great Hall. "Not now, Millicent. I'll...uh, I'll meet you up later."

Millicent nodded as she retreated with her other friend, Pansy Parkinson. You shrugged as you left them alone, your feet leading you now to the redhead kneeling down and crying. He didn't notice you approach him until you cleared your throat. 

"Uh...hey, George," you murmured, putting a hand on his shoulder.

George looked up to see you standing over him, and he wiped his tears, smiling wanly and chuckling sadly. "Hey (Y/N)," he greeted you, sniffling. "Uh...what brings you here?"

You bit your lip as you crouched beside him, taking out a handkerchief and wiping his face from the tears. "I just needed to clear my mind," you told him softly. "And I wanted to see you."

George nodded as he sat down now, his back propped against the wall as he leaned back against it, closing his eyes. "I can't believe it. My brother, my twin brother, the other half of me...gone. Dead." He turned to you with a wistful look on his face, and you saw more tears welling in his eyes, their undeniable sparkle catching your eye in the sun. 

"I miss him too, you know," you whispered, sitting beside him and glancing up at the ceiling. "All the fun times we used to have together."

"Weasley's Wizard Wheezes wouldn't have been without you," George said, smiling. 

You gave a brief chuckle as you shook your head. "No George. You and Fred got all the credit. I mean, talk about the huge amount of gold you got!" you cried. 

"Nah. We all got help. We both did," George assured you. "But you were literally our joke tester. If something went wrong, you'd tell us. You never even complained when you got a severe nosebleed at one point in the middle of class!"

"GEORGE!" you cried, laughing. For a second you heard George join you before he fell silent again, which made you stop laughing too.

"What's wrong?" you asked him, reaching out a hand for him which he took.

George sighed heavily as he glanced up at the ceiling. "It's so hard without him," he whispered. 

You scooted over now, just right beside him, and in a matter of seconds you felt something warm lay on your shoulder. You didn't even have to turn around to see that George had laid his head on your shoulder, his grip on your hand tightening. 

"It'll be hard for me too," you admitted. "I mean, you both accepted me as a great friend. Heck, who has ever heard of a Slytherin student hang out with two Gryffindors on a daily basis? I've had such good times with you. And I know Fred would want us to continue that. Now now, don't cry," you whispered now, releasing your grip on his hand to wrap around his back, pulling him close to you in a side hug. "He'll be here. We'll always remember him."

"Fred Weasley. The best twin brother I've ever had," George said hollowly, giving a sad chuckle. 

You nodded as you rubbed your hand on his arm, which coaxed a smile out of him. Unconsciously, though, it also made his heart beat slightly faster at your gentle motions. Tears leaked out of his eyes again as he felt butterflies float in his stomach, and he squeezed his eyes shut just to let them flow. 

"(Y/N), I've been meaning to tell you something," George murmured, glancing up at you. 

You dropped your hand now from George's arm, turning to him. "What is it?"

George swallowed painfully, his gaze dropping. "I really regret not having thought about...what it would be like with Fred gone. It just...hurts. But...I'm actually really grateful you're here."

"George, it's okay. It's okay." You brought an arm around him as he buried his face into your shoulder, sobbing again. "It's okay. Shh."

For a moment, neither of you spoke. The warmth that slowly blossomed from the simple embrace eventually calmed George down as he leaned into you, knowing that you would always care regardless of whether you were in Slytherin or not. You, on the other hand, had completely lost awareness of the other students who milled about the room. The thought of meeting Millicent Bulstrode again was no longer on your mind. What mattered now was that George needed healing.  

Slowly, you lifted George's face up to meet your eye. "I can't say that reality would always give you happiness, George. There will always be times where reality slaps you hard in the face. But there will be times when reality gives you comfort too. No matter what happens, George, I'll always be here for you. If you ever, ever need anything, just talk to me. Just let me know."

George smiled wanly as he leaned against your shoulder again, his cheek resting on your shoulder, and you brought an arm around him in comfort. 

"I guess I'll need it," George murmured in response. "Thank you, (Y/N)."

And the two of you remained like this for some time now, hearts lifted at the thought of Fred smirking at you from above, glad that the two of you had finally found solace in each other. 

"Good going, bro...good going..."

How's this? I really have a feeling none of you guys are reading this, so I don't know if I should continue this. Yeesh, writing this reminds me of the multiple sad Hiro stories I had to write! Anyway, I hope you guys like it.

REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Please please please, if you have anything you want to see happen in this book, TELL ME. :) 

See you on the next story!


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