Who to Believe? (Seamus)

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Request from skywalkers_gal! And thank you for writing the James X Reader, I loved it so much! YEEEEEEEE!!! Okay okay. So, yes, this is my first Seamus Finnigan X Reader, and it takes place during Order of the Phoenix.


(Y/N): Your Name

A very grumpy Seamus Finnigan got up the morning after his argument with Harry Potter about Voldemort's supposed return, got dressed super quickly, and fled the dormitory before Harry had time to put on his socks.

"How dare he," he muttered to himself, running down the stairs with such speed. "How dare he, Harry Potter, wish to have a go at my mom for just expressing our opinion! So what does it matter if You Know Who came back? No one believes him. No one believed Dumbledore, anyway!"

In his haste, he didn't realize that he had completely brushed past you, curled up in an armchair and reading one of your new textbooks for Potions. As he walked by and exited the common room with not much of a hello to anyone, you glanced up at the hem of his robes whipping away from sight and frowned. Being a good friend of Seamus's besides Dean Thomas, his other best friend, you always cared for him whenever something came up and you were always there for each other. But what happened this time that made him so...distant?

A few moments later, Harry and Ron both descended from their dormitory, waving at you.

"Hey (Y/N)," Ron greeted you moodily. "Had a good summer?"

You shrugged and smiled at the sight of him. "Well...it's been eventful. Just been reading the Daily Prophet and shocked to see the amount of bull on there. I honestly can't believe they'd call Harry and Dumbledore liars and fools and...ugh. It's horrid."

Harry gave you a wan smile now at your little rant. "Seems like you're one of the only people who believe me," he eventually admitted. "Seamus didn't want to hear me out at all. Thought quite the opposite of you."

This immediately shocked you. "Was that why--"

"I guess," Ron said. "Honestly, I don't know what's gotten into everyone lately!"

That was it. You balled your fists up in anger and nodded at Harry and Ron. "I'll see you later," you managed to say quickly, shoving your textbook in your bag and fleeing the common room, leaving Harry and Ron staring after you with dropped jaws.

"You reckon she's mad at me?" Ron whispered to Harry, who shook his head.

"Doubt it," he answered, "though you were pretty harsh with your answer."

Meanwhile, you were running through the empty corridors in an attempt to find Seamus. He wasn't in the Great Hall (though Dean was, and he claimed that he didn't see Seamus since he left the boys' dormitory earlier in the morning); and he wasn't in any of the classrooms on that floor either. That left only one place where you thought he could be--the Black Lake.

The warm sunshine hit you with a blast as you ran out to find Seamus now, running as fast as your feet could take you. As you reached the top of a gentle slope, you found him now, slumped on the bank, throwing stones into the water dejectedly.

"SEAMUS!" you screamed, running his way now. "Seamus!"

Seamus stirred at the sound of your voice, and he turned to look at you. "Oh. It's just you. Hey, (Y/N)."

"Hey," you greeted him back, sitting beside him as you examined your reflections in the water. "How're things?" you asked.

Seamus smiled wanly before a frown took over, and he glanced downwards, avoiding your gaze. "Things were going okay before Harry came again," he said bitterly, throwing another rock into the lake.

"Why?" you asked him now, genuinely curious.

"My mom," Seamus said, glancing up at you. "You know how Cedric Diggory died last year in the Tournament?"

You nodded. Who wouldn't remember how Dumbledore had given his eulogy at his funeral? You had believed Dumbledore wholeheartedly, and knowing that everyone is now in danger, you vowed to yourself to keep your friends safe in whatever way they could.

"Well, she's been reading the Daily Prophet," he continued. "And after coming to the conclusion that there is no evidence of You Know Who's return, she...she didn't want me to come back to Hogwarts at all."

Now your jaw dropped. "Remind me, which one of your parents is the magical one?"

"My mom."

"But..." You were at a complete loss for words now. "Look, Seamus, that's your mom's belief. What about you? Do you believe Harry and Dumbledore that You Know Who's back?" You moved closer to him and gently took his wrist, your grip not too tight and yet not too loose either, so that Seamus can at least be able to see you.

Seamus seemed to be at a conflict for a bit as he glanced at your stone-hard expression. "I...I really don't know. My mom doesn't. So I have to go with my mom, right? Otherwise--"

"Seamus Finnigan. Do you think that, just because Dumbledore is getting old and Harry's still young--okay, well, about your age--do you think that they're stupid enough to believe that he's back? What if it's all true? What would you do?"

"Well, I'd probably just...try to apologize over and over, though to no avail if You Know Who has Harry in his clutches," Seamus admitted. "Why? Don't tell me you believe him, do you?"

"I do," you said simply. "But Seamus, hear me out. Harry saw it all happen. Even if he's the only witness, we have no choice but to believe him. He's been affected by him since...since he was a baby. If anyone disbelieves him, then that's like a child whose parents say that what they've been going through is only in their head, when in reality, it's happened for real. People remember their fears easily, and it's hard to forget what you're scared of." You then slid your hand down to grasp Seamus's hand gently, your palm laid against his. "Seamus, please. You can't just assume that just because a newspaper presents their side of the story you have to blindly believe them. You can still choose, Seamus. I side with Harry--what about you? Would you believe your friend, or would you believe a whole bunch of reporters who have almost no primary firsthand experience with the darkest wizard of all time?"

"BUT HE INSULTED MY MOTHER!" Seamus cried finally. "He insulted my mother and almost had a go at her, you should have heard us last night--"

"Actually, I had a similar argument myself with Lavender. Hermione and I had to calm her down too," you said coolly.

This seemed to shut Seamus up for a bit as he reflected what he said. Then he glanced down again, avoiding your gaze. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I should have--I should have just--argh, you're right. You're right. It's about me, not my mom." He sighed and looked up at you with guilt in his eyes. "I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"That's okay," you said, smiling a bit at Seamus's change of heart. "I forgive you. But you know you have to make amends with Harry too."

"I'll do that," Seamus promised, getting up and dusting himself off before extending a hand to you. "D'you--uh, d'you wanna come with me? We can go together. I don't want to do this alone."

"Of course," you agreed, reaching up and taking his hand as the both of you headed back into the castle, you feeling glad that you've finally convinced Seamus to believe Harry. Oh, and for him to apologize and make amends with his friend. It was difficult, but in the end, when the Ministry confirmed of You Know Who's return, it paid off.

And he never stopped thanking you ever since.

Bad ending, I know. And it's really short, I know. But honestly, I can't think of many ideas for this one, it's kinda tricky to write up but hey I had the idea of introducing the whole background argument before the suggested plot...I hope it's okay!

Ayah. Okay. Any more requests would be greatly appreciated--keep them coming! :) I might have an original Draco X Reader coming up next, so stay tuned!!


PS You know you don't have to only request males. You can request females too, if you're all for imagining being friendly with Hermione and Luna and Ginny and whoever else you wish. :)

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