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Kian's POV:

"Wait.. They had sex.. In my room? AND I DIDN'T FUCKING KNOW ABOUT IT WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!" Jc seemed pissed.

"Yeah.. That's the real reason why I broke up with Andrea. I get that she had been drugged and stuff, but she still could have done something, she just sat there and enjoyed it.." I hung my head low and started walking towards the hotel again. Jc hesitated but soon started to follow. I really missed Andrea.. The fans missed us being together too, but I had to do what's right, and I know what I did was right.

We walked into the hotel and the police were still there. They spotted us immediately and started walking towards us. I felt Jc tense up beside me so I held his arm so he would stay in place and not book it like last time. He tugged on my arm a bit as the police edged closer and closer to us, but I pulled him forward.

"You were the boys that ran away from us earlier. Where's the other one?" Why were they asking about JJ? Did they still think we were the ones who robbed the place?

"We don't know. We were afraid, so we ran into an alley. Only me and Jc came back, he refused to come with us."

"Well, we have a description of the man who committed the robbery, and it matches the description of the boy you were with. We need to know where he is or you will have to come down to the station and quite possibly being charged for withholding information."

"Wait.. JJ couldn't have done it. He was with us the whole time." Jc furrowed his eyebrows.

"The robbery was done prior to when you came out of the restaurant." A police woman from behind piped in.

"How do you.." Jc was cut off.

"Security cameras. The security camera on the floor of the robbery also has a video on your friend "JJ" entering the home of the robbery." Great JJ.. What the fuck did you do that for.. I can see why he didn't wanna come back with us.

"Why did you boys run if you didn't do anything? Or did you do something that we should know about?" Three police officers slowly walked closer to us, making me feel really fucking intimidated.

"JJ brought over a little bit of weed and me and him smoked some, Kian wasn't apart of it." Jc confessed.

"Well.. Thank you for being honest, and you boys can go back to your room once you can help us find this JJ boy. Do you know his real name?"

"Joseph Hernandez."

Jc's POV:

"Joseph Hernandez." A voice from behind me said. I turned around to see JJ standing there. The police instantly ran around us, cuffing him and pulling him outside towards one of their cars. I hung my head low, I couldn't even make eye contact with Kian.

We walked to the elevator and went up to our floor. When we got into our room and we sat on our separate beds and just stared at the floor. Well at least I did.

"Why would Joseph do that?" I asked Kian, knowing he wouldn't have an answer, so I wasn't really expecting one.

"I don't know.. I don't know what happened to him. He's just.. Changed so much." Kian shook his head and I layed down on my bed, flicking the side lamp off and slipping underneath my blanket. I pulled off my jeans and threw them on the floor, and tried to sleep. Kian sat on his bed for a little while longer before doing the same.

The next day....

I woke up the next day and put on a pair of black vans, sweat pants, and a black long sleeve tee shirt. I decided to go out for a walk before we had to go get ready for the show. I walked towards Hastings street and saw a whole bunch of homeless people sitting in front of the shops. Its like, homeless central out here. I saw a little pizza place and decided to stop in and get a piece.

While in there, I saw a girl, or more like she saw me. She ran up towards me with a big grin on her face. I smiled at her and opened my arms. She wrapped her arms around me, god she smelled really good.

"Hey." I smiled. "What's your name?"

"Elaine." She grinned. Wow, she looked young. She was really short, had brown hair, and brown eyes. She wore braces and she had some cool galaxy vans on, she looked pretty chill. 

"How old are you Elaine?" 

"Almost 17" She smiled and hugged me again. Okay, she wasn't that young. She dug in her pocket for something and pulled out her phone. 

"Take a picture of us babe!" She told the guy with white hair who was ordering her pizza. 

"Where's Lindsay?" He asked after the picture was taken. 

"She went next door. It's some clothing place." Elaine rolled her eyes. "Jc, after you order do you mind coming to meet Lindsay? She's a really big fan." 

"Yeah no problem." I liked meeting the fans, I just didn't like hiding my life from them, but I did anyways. I didn't want them to know I was falling apart. 

I bought a slice of pepperoni pizza, it was gigantic. I sat down with Elaine and her boyfriend Sam. He looked really familiar. 

"Do I know you?" I asked him. "You look super familiar."

"Maybe. I make music and shit. I'm pretty famous I guess." Elaine kissed his cheek and he blushed a bit. 

"OH! You're Sam Wilkinson aren't you?" I finally recognized who he was. 

"Haha yeah." We talked for a little bit, they were both really cool. I think we were going to get along great. 

"Hey, we gotta go make sure Lindsay's okay. I don't trust this city." Sam told Elaine. 

"Wait, so who is Lindsay?" I asked confused. 

"She's my sister." Sam smiled. 

"She's my best friend." Elaine grinned and punched Sam in the arm lightly. 

"Okay, lets go meet her. Maybe you guys can come up to the hotel room later and meet Kian and chill for a bit." I suggested. I would really like to get to know them better. They nodded their heads and said yeah in unision. 

We walked over to the little store and I followed Sam and Elaine to the back. 

"Lindsay!!" They yelled. I turned around and went to go check out a cool hoodie I spotted. 

"Thank god! I need advice!" I turned around at the sound of her voice, and that's when I saw her. 


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