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a/n: I wrote most of this while I was having a Starbucks lunch date with myself and a pumpkin spice frapp while listening to 90's music. Enjoy (:

Jc's POV:

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked the doctor. I was in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting for Lindsay.
"Other than the main.. problem, she has minor cuts all over her body and we had to give her 20 stitches on her left thigh. We're working on it, but, she is also in a coma." I fell into the chair behind me and slumped down.
"We're doing everything we can. I'm so sorry." A tear slid down my burning cheek.
"Do you know when she'll wake up?" Kian pipes up from beside me.
"Not at this point, no. But I'll keep you updated."
"Thank you doctor." Kian forces a smile. The doctor nods his head and walks out. A moment later Sam walks in the room with Skate and Elaine, they all look like they've been crying.
"Can we go see her?" Sam asks me. I shrug my shoulders.
"Cmon Jc. I know it's hard. But she would want you to be strong for her. She needs you to be strong." Kian put his hand on my shoulder. "Let's go see her." I took a deep breath in and wiped my eyes before I got up and followed the four of them out the door.

She looked like shit. There were tubes in her nose and she was connected to an IV. Her hair was in a mess of tangles, but somehow she looked so peaceful. Even with her beat up face and with her bruises, she still looked beautiful. Heart breakingly beautiful. I slowly walked up to her and grabbed her swollen hand gently, squeezing it with the little strength I had left.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered as I bent down to kiss her tear stained cheek. I felt her squeeze back, it could have been a reflex, but somewhere in my mind I had hope that she was listening to everything I was saying. The rest of the guys huddled around her, talking to her, but I just held her hand and sat on the chair beside her, listening to her slow, steady breaths.

8 months later..

"Jc! Let's fucking go!" Kian yelled at me from downstairs.
"Hold on a minute!" I yelled back. I looked over to the girl in my bed, "I don't want to leave you yet." I smirk and kiss her lips.
"I don't want you to leave." She grabbed my hands and pulled me on top of her.
"But I have to. I'll see you next week though right?" I kissed her lips firmly.
"Of course." She grinned and slid out from under me, throwing her pants on quickly.
I pulled on my jeans and a plain black tee before rushing out the door. Nikki had already snuck out the window, I didn't want Kian knowing I was seeing anyone yet. I decended the staircase and saw Kian waiting impatiently by the door with his fiancee, Elaine.
"Fucking finally." Kian swore before opening the door and walking out, I followed closely behind him.
"Where are we going anyways?" I ask unamused as I jump into the backseat.
"The hospital." Kian says with no emotion in his deep, sullen voice. My mouth opens in shock.
"You'll see." Elaine grins and grabs Kian's hand firmly. I was so confused, was Elaine pregnant? What was going on?


We hopped out of the car and into the main doors of the hospital. I only have bad memories of this place. I remember sitting with her.. every day for two months. I hardly ate, I didn't talk to anyone. I just sat there, and waited for her to wake up. But she never did... she just laid there.. and I had to move on..
"Jc, we have something to show you." Elaine smiled. She was practically bouncing with excitement. We stood and stared at the elevator door until it opened.

I fell to the ground, I was on my knees. I was so astounding by her. She was so small, no muscles at all, and she was in a wheel chair. Her hair was in messy tangles all over her head, and her skin matched the colour of her off-white hospital gown. I couldn't speak, not one word could escape my mouth, I just stared at her like she was a ghost. The nurse wheeled her over to us, the wheels were squeaking all the way, and than she caught the next elevator going up.
"Can I at least get a hug?" Her small lips forced an upturned smile as she reached for my wobbling hand.
Finally regaining my courage, I stood up, picked her up from her chair, and hugged her while burying my tear streaked face into her left shoulder.
"When? When did you wake up?" 
"A couple weeks ago, they wanted to keep me here for evaluation, and I didn't want you spending more time here than you already have." She sniffled. She was trying to be strong for me, for Kian, for Elaine, but I knew she was hurting more than all of us. To have suffered through all that she had went through, and than have that memory inbedded into her brain as she goes into a coma for eight months. I can only imagine the hell that she's been through. I instantly feel a pang of a guilt spread over my entire body, so I place her back in her chair. She was suffering, all she could do is think about what happened to her while I was off fucking other girls. I felt a stab at my heart.

I cheated on her

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