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Jc's POV:

The show was over, and fuck my head hurt. We were doing a shock collar stunt and Kian fell on my face.

"Jc?" Kian mumbled. His eyes were closed, but he was still awake. We were just on our way back to the hotel room.


"She was there Jc. Why was she there?" my heart skipped a beat for a second. Who was there? It couldn't be her.. No way..

"Who was there Kian?" I swallowed the saliva that had been building up in my throat.

"Lee-uh." He pronounced the name, drawing out each of the syllables. My eyes opened wide and I started to shake. Why would she be out here? What does she want? She was the one that broke up with me.

"You must be seeing things." I told Kian, but I was really just trying to reassure myself. Lia wasn't here. Why would she be?

"I don't think so Jc.. It was her." Kian said opening his eyes and sitting up. "I know it was her. I saw her face, she waved at me Jc. She was my best friend, I know it was her." My heart beat quickened and I wiped the sweat off my pants.

"We're here." The driver said impatiently. Kian opened the door and I climbed out after him. I saw Lindsay and Elaine standing outside the front entrance.

"You guys look freezing. Come on lets get inside." I put my hand on the square of Lindsay's back and ushered them inside. Kian looked at me confused.

"Kian, this is Lindsay and Elaine and... Where's Sammy?" I looked around the lobby, but no white haired dude was around.

"He's in the bathroom." Elaine piped up. I looked over to the right where the bathrooms were located and saw the door open, sure enough, Sammy walked out.

"Great.." I grumbled to myself. Kian must of heard me because he burst out laughing which caused everyone to look at his dumbfounded. "Hey." I directed towards Sam.

"Hey bro."

"Let's get upstairs, I'm tired as fuck." Kian suggested.

"Kian can you take them upstairs? I've got quick errand to run. It'll only take 5 minutes." Kian nodded and waved his hand, motioning for them to follow.

"Want some company?" Lindsay asked as she turned around to face me.

"Yeah sure." I smiled. Sammy glared at me but Elaine grabbed his hand and pulled up to the elevator. Me and Lindsay walked out the door.

"So.. How was the show?" She attempted to make small talk.

"It was okay. Kian kind of hurt my head but other than that, it was nice to meet all the fans." I grinned. We walked a little bit further.

"Where are we going?" She looked up at me.

"I wanted to get a little bit of alcohol for tonight." I winked at her. I really needed some fucking vodka. "Do you drink?" I asked her. She started laughing.

"Do you breathe?" I giggled. She had sass, I'll give her that much.

"What's your favorite?"

"Palm Bay's, Smirnoff Raspberry or... Growers. Mikes hard lemonade is good too. Oh! And Millers Light!" She just started naming off a whole bunch of drinks and I just wondered how I never met her before.

"How have I never met you before?"

"I'm not entirely sure." She laughed. Her laugh was so cute.

"Hey.. uhm.. I know you said in your videos that you don't like girls that smoke but, do you think it would be okay if I quickly smoked a joint before we get back? Sammy smokes but he never lets me, so I have to sneak it."

"I only don't like it when girls smoke the cancer sticks. If you got weed you better be smoking some of that shit with me."

"Deal. I have it rolled. Let's just get the booze first and than I'll light it up." she winked at me. This girl was literally perfect.

We ended up walking out the store with 3 bags full of stuff. I let Lindsay choose most of it, she had really good taste. We even got some fireball. We walked until we got to a little corner and she lit up the joint. It was pretty good, I was defiantly stoned.

"You know, my brother thinks I'm such a good girl and all, but I'm really not." She giggled. We had just finished the joint and her voice sounded hilarious.

"I think you're a bad girl. It's a good thing I like bad girls."

We got to the hotel room and walked in laughing our asses off. I don't even know what we were laughing at anymore, everything we said was just funny. I dropped off the booze over at the table and grabbed a palm bay to start the night off with. Lindsay snuck up beside me and grabbed a beer. God, I just wanted to kiss her, but I knew I couldn't, Sammy was right there, I bet if I turn around he's staring straight at me.

"Yup." I thought aloud as I turned around and saw is glare.

"What?" Lindsay asked as she tried to crack open the beer. I laughed at her attempts.

"Nothing. Here, let me help you." I opened it and gave it to her. Seconds later Sam came over and snatched the beer from her hand.

'You're too young Lindsay. No." He took a sip.

"Fuck you Sammy, you're too young too." She laughed and took her beer back. Sam rolled his eyes.

"Hey bro can I have one?" he asked me.

"Go for it, it's for everyone, we ain't gonna drink it all ourselves." I smirked. Sammy got on my nerves, but I guess I would be that protective too.. If my sister was still alive.. I quickly took a sip of the palm bay, trying to drink away the thought.

An hour later, everyone was drunk, even Kian. Elaine and Sammy were passed out on the floor, Kian was passed out in his bed. Me and Lindsay just sat there, drinking and staring at each other. She kept glancing at Sammy laying on the floor, as if she was making sure he was passed out.

Everything was blurry, and it was kind of difficult to speak, but I saw her walking towards me. She put her legs on either sides of my body and just stared into my eyes. I could feel a boner trying to rise, it was hard to keep it down. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I was drunk, but it was by far, the best kiss of my life. I reached in her shirt and squeezed her boob as she tugged on my hair with her free hand. I slid my hand down to the waist line of her black leggings and slipped my hand in. I rested it on her butt and squeezed a little. She giggled in between kisses and grinded her body against mine. I couldn't control my boner anymore, it just went up, making her fall to the side laughing. My hand, slipping out of her pants. I was disappointed, but I just couldn't stop laughing.

The door bell rang and we got up to get it together, Lindsay rested her chin on my shoulder and I opened the door.

"Hey baby."

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