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Jc's POV:

"What?" I was in shock. "How long will you be gone?" Lindsay shrugged her shoulders and looked down at her folded hands. We were sitting at home on our couch and she was getting ready to catch her plane to go see Sam.
"I don't know Jc. I'll be gone for as long as he needs me to be there." She replied.
"I don't want you to leaveeee." I whined in my childish voice. Lindsay grabbed both sides of my face and kissed me. I ran my fingers through her hair as she ran hers through my curls. The kiss didn't last long, mostly because she had to leave.
"At least let me drive you there." I offered.
"You saved me from asking." Lindsay winked and picked up her suitcase before grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door.

Kian's POV:

"So uhh what's going on with you and Sam?" I asked Elaine as we were on our way back from the resort. We were in an uber and it smelled like ass.
"We broke up." She replied bluntly, not showing any emotion.
"Oh.. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault I shouldn't have.." I was trying to apologize but she cut me off.
"I was the one who made the first move. And the second and the third. Don't blame yourself, this is my doing." Elaine picked up her phone and started scrolling through instagram, so I decided to do the same. We were finally home, we walked in the door and sat down on the couch, not saying a word. I put on a show and sat back and relaxed until Elaine started talking.
"I don't want us to be awkward towards each other." She blurted out. I sat up and looked at her.
"Me neither." I replied slowly. She walked over to me and sat on my lap, looking me straight in the eyes before planting her lips on to mine. I was in shock at first, but I started to kiss back and I just wanted her more and more. I laid down on the couch and Elaine laid on top of me, our lips still interlocked.
"Will you go out with me?" I said through our kisses.
"Yes." She said breathlessly before pulling off my shirt. I put her legs around me and laid her on her back on the couch, climbing on top of her. I pulled my pants down but she knocked me backwards and climbed back on top me. She pulled my boxers down a little, revealing my boner, and took her pants off.
"Are you sure we should do this?" I moaned as she put her mouth near my boner. She smiled and nodded her head and before long I was almost screaming in pleasure.

Jc's POV:

It was about 3 weeks since Lindsay had left for Vancouver. We talked every day, but I wanted her here so bad.
"Dude we gotta get you outta the house." Kian rolled his eyes as he stood in my doorway, Elaine standing next to him.
"What do you suggest?" I asked with attitude. I didn't want to go anywhere, I just wanted to stay home and wait.
"Let's go camping." Elaine piped up from around the corner.
"Camping would be great if I wasn't gonna be third wheeling the whole time." I side grinned. I admit, Elaine and Kian were a pretty cute couple, but they just reminded me of how much I missed Lindsay.
"I'll call around and see who's down to come." Kian grinned and walked out. Looks like I'm not getting out of this one.

24 hours later..

I didn't really know where we were going, all Kian told me was that there was gonna be like 10 other people there and it wasn't a public campground. I packed a backpack full of clothes and grabbed my little tent and that was about all I brought.
"We're here!" Kian yelled and parked the car. We all piled out and grabbed our stuff. Around the corner was three familiar cars.
"DJ DOMMY D!" I yelled. I saw Dom by a tent (probably his) and I ran up to him. "Haven't seen you in forever man where you been?" I grinned and pulled out of his hug.
"I've been here and there. Missed you man." Dom put his hand on my shoulder and walked me towards someone with their back to us.
"COREY!" I yelled and pushed him playfully.
"Hey man!" He smiled back and gave me a hug before turning back to Kian. Dom and Corey were the first ones there, than Elaine, Kian and I, and after us Connor, Trevor, Ricky, Sam (Pottorff), Andrea, Tana and Clary from the resort showed up. Kian was acting weird because Andrea was there, they used to be a thing but he cheated on her with one of her best friends. The night consisted of watching Kian try to make Andrea jealous by making out with Elaine and Clary glaring at Elaine because of what happened at the resort. Other than that, the rest of us were roasting marshmallows and telling scary stories.
"Oh yeah! I forgot that I brought booze!" Dom yelled and everyone laughed. Dom handed me a beer and before long I had finished 5 and I was fucked right up. I was feeling sick and I had a boner that just wouldn't go away, so I set up my tent sloppily with the help of Clary and went to lay down in bed. Minutes later, I heard the zipper open and someone came in.
"Hello?" I asked warily. I couldn't see a thing and I heard the zipper close again. Someone climbed on top of me, pulled my pants off, and before I could protest, a small voice popped up from the dark figure.
"Shh don't say a word."

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