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6 months later..

Jc's POV:

"CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG" a chorus of chants directed towards me sang. I felt the liquor burning down my throat, cleansing it of all the words that I had never meant to say. "WHOOOOOOOO" they screamed as I finished the bottle, placing it down with a smash onto Dom's granite counter. I received pats on the back from all the guys who were encouraging me to get shit faced drunk, and I loved it.
"Fuck dude I'm done. I'm so fucking drunk." I slurred to Dom, he looked worried.
"Yeah let's get you to bed." Dom shook his head, putting my arm around him so he could support me. I could hardly walk, I kept tripping over nothing.
"I don't wanna go to bed." I moaned and pulled my arm away from him, almost falling over.
"Jc you can't keep doing this. Getting drunk just so.." he cut himself off, not wanting to say the reason in case I snapped.
"So what Dom?" I asked, a threatening tone filled my mouth. I took a step forward, hovering over him.
"Just so you can forget Lindsay. She wouldn't want you doing this to yourself."
"You don't know shit." I slurred, pushing him backwards.
"I know she cares about you. And the only reason she left is because YOU'RE a fucking idiot!" Dom spat.
"Cmon dude its not worth it." Ryan pulled at Dom, making him break his glare with me. I was pissed, I walked towards Dom menacingly and punched him in the jaw. I felt the throbbing in my hand begin, but I didn't care. I threw the next punch and it knocked him down to the floor.
"Jc!" Ryan yelled, putting his body in between mine and Dom's. "Look buddy you gotta go. Sit down, I'm calling Kian." Ryan sat me down on the couch and pulled out his phone. I stared at Dom with piercing eyes, watching the blood pool out of his mouth. "He's on his way. I can't believe you Jc. What ever happened to you?" I think he asked that rhetorically, because he already knew the answer. Love happened to me, heartbreak happened to me. Everything I had and have ever had is gone, she was all I had left. I lost my family, Lia, my daughter, and now Lindsay.
"I'm a fuck up. Everyone around me dies or leaves me, and I don't think it's ever going to change." Tears flooded my eyes which threatened to close on me.
"Don't say that. You still have us," Ryan gestured to everyone in the room. "And Elaine, Kian, Sam, Nate. I could go on. I know it's nothing like what you had, but you're not totally alone." Ryan, always the sentimental and extremely sensitive one. I turned my head and saw Kian walking in the door with his keys in hand. He looked at me with disapproval, shaking his head back and forth.
"Let's get you home." He sighed heavily, helping me up and walking me out the door.

Kian's POV:

I was awoken to the sound of someone vomitting in the upstairs bathroom. It was absolutely disgusting.
"Ugh. Is that Jc again?" Elaine asked, stretching out her arms and turning to me. The sound of vomit hitting the inside of the toilet was revolting.
"Yeah. I picked him up from Dom's last night. He was smashed." I shook my head. "He got in a spat with Dom. Dom kept his cool but Jc punched him in the face a couple times."
"Oh my god." A look of astonishment played across her beautiful face. She sat up and leaned on her elbows facing me. "Is he okay? I can't believe Jc would do that."
"Just a little beat up. He'll live." I shrugged my shoulders and gave her a quick kiss. I threw on some sweat pants and walked out the door shirtless, all the way to the upstairs bathroom. I knocked on the door lightly, just loud enough for him to hear me.
"Hey man, you okay?" Another wave of vomit hit the toilet.
"I'm fine. Just go away." He replied through the door. I heard the toilet flush and the door unlock, a second later, Jc's face peeked out from the now open door.
"You look like shit." I noted, looking at his messy curls and his pale sick face.
"Feel like shit too." I shook my head at him, I've been doing that a lot, I've just been so dissapointed in him lately.
"Let's go get you something to eat." I gestured with my head towards the stairs and started walking, Jc followed. When we got down there, I saw that Elaine was already in the kitchen making waffles. I walked past her, slapped her ass lightly and kissed her cheek.

"We have to get him out of the house Kian. You guys haven't made a video in so long, we're going broke." I took a deep breath in before I gripped on to the couch I was sitting on tightly.
"Okay. I'll ask him if we can do one soon. But I can't make any promises." Elaine nodded and gave me a small kiss.

Jc's POV:

I still felt absolutely horrible. I was laying in my bed with a bucket and a cup of water on the night stand next to me. I had already taken 3 advil to get rid of my headache, but nothing was working.
"Hangovers suck don't they?" A voice popped up from behind me. I turned around,  it couldn't be.
"Lindsay?" I ask shyly, sitting up.
"The one and only." She smirked, grabbing my hand. "You fucked up Jc." She whispers, batting her eyelashes at me. "You lost me, just like you lost everyone who ever meant something to you."
"Lindsay.." tears flooded out of my eyes.
"You're such a fuck up." She shook her head back and forth in disgust.
"No.. No.. Lindsay I'm sorry. Please take me back. I miss you so much." I cried, grasping on to her hand, but it was fading away. "Lindsay! Don't go! Lindsay no!"

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