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A/n: almost at 6k wooohooo

Elaine's POV:

We were going home, and I was so extremely excited to tell everyone about our annevarsary date. We pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. We started walking towards the front door when I stopped by the garage door to kiss him. I've never been so happy in my entire life.
"I love you so fucking much." I told Kian, rising up on my tip toes to kiss his lips.
"I love you too." He smiled back. I grabbed his soft hand and wrapped my fingers around his gently and he pulled me into the house.
I opened the door and noticed Lindsay and Jc were there with two other people, I remember meeting them when we went camping. "Ricky! Trevor! Hey." Kian smiled, still holding my hand. They said their hellos and I said mine and we went to go sit on the couch with Lindsay and Jc. They were acting different, not in a bad way, but they were so close to each other, and that's when I noticed it. I didn't say anything though, I figured they wanted to announce it themselves, but I was so ecstatic I could hardly sit in my seat.
"So, how did your date go?" Lindsay asked, turning to me and hiding her left hand under her arm.
"It was absolutely amazing. Magical. We sat and talked for hours just staring at the waves." I smiled at the memory. "Oh! And Kian got me a round trip ticket to go see my family in Vancouver!" I smiled. Lindsay jumped up out of her seat and pulled me in for a long hug.
"I'm so happy for you!" She smiled and pulled away.
"We kind of have some big news too." Jc smiled and grabbed Lindsay's hand. "We waited for you guys to announce it so.. Guys come over here! We have something to say!" Lindsay's cheeks blushed a rosy red as she gripped onto Jc's hand hard.
"Should I say it?" Lindsay asked, Jc nodded and Lindsay pulled her left hand out from under her arm.
"We're engaged." She smiled and hugged Jc before pulling him into a passionate kiss.
"Oh my goodness! This is so amazing! I'm so happy for you guys!" I jumped out of my seat and hugged them both. "Congratulations!"
Kian said his congratulations before coming to sit next to me and pulling me on his lap, running his hand along my thigh.
"You aren't pregnant are you?" Kian jokingly asked Jc and Lindsay. We all giggled, but Lindsay held a straight face.
"Well.. now that you mention it.." Lindsay started to say.. My mouth dropped.
"Are you actually?!?" I almost screamed. Lindsay started laughing and shook her head repeatedly.
"No haha" I sighed a sigh of relief and sat back down on Kian's lap, rubbing my butt up against him.
"Babe stop it." He whispered in my ear. "Or I'll have to pick you up and carry you upstairs."
I giggled and swiveled my hips, getting him to wrap his arms around me. Everyone else was so caught up in their own conversations that they didn't even notice. Good.
"I love you." Kian whispered into my ear seductively.
"I love you too." I grinned and turned around to kiss him.
"Let's go upstairs." He said against my lips. I laughed and pulled my fingers through his hair. "Is that a yes?" I laughed again and shook my head.
"Can we take it a bit slower? I feel like all we've been doing is having a physical relationship. And as much as I love that," I pause and run my fingers down his stomach. "I think it would be best, to get to know each other without that physical aspect." Kian's eyes dropped and he pulled me closer. "Only for a little while." I grinned and his eyes met mine.
"What are you two love birds doing?" Trevor giggled and pointed to Kian and I. I blushed furiously and turned to look at Trevor with a guilty look on my face.
"Nothing.." I replied and I felt my cheeks blush even harder than before. Kian giggled and everyone stared.
"Stop focusing on us!" I giggled. "LINDSAY AND JC GOT ENGAGED LET'S FOCUS ON THEM! PARTYYYY TIMEEEEE!!!" Everyone laughed.
"WOOOHOOOOOO!!" Trevor screamed. I connected my phone to our Bluetooth speaker and blasted some music from my spotify playlist.

Lindsay's POV:

Today, had been magical. I've always dreamed about being proposed to, but never thought it would actually happen. Especially not with Jc.
"I love you so fucking much." Jc told me, kissing my lips.
"I love you too." I smiled.

Jc's POV:

It was the day after I proposed. Everything was going perfect. Kian and Elaine were closer than ever. I was engaged to the love of my life, it felt like nothing could go wrong. But oh, I was so naive.

Lindsay's POV:

"FUCK YOU KIAN! I'LL BEAT YOU NEXT TIME!" I yelled and threw my controller to the floor, rage quitting. "AND THAT WAS A HARD SCOPE BITCH!" Kian fell off the couch, gripping his stomach and laughing.
I just kept screaming.
"You're such a drama queen." Elaine came in and rolled her eyes, walking past me to the kitchen. I laughed and helped Kian off the floor and on to the couch.
"Best two outta three?" Kian grinned.
"You're on." I picked up my controller and we started a new game.
"FUCK YOU! I TOLD YOU I'D WIN NEXT TIME HA BITCH!" I yelled and threw my controller yet again. "For the first time, in all of history, I beat the Kian Lawley. Ha. Ha."
"I let you win." He grinned and threw his controller, trying to be angry. All of a sudden, the door bell rang.
"ELAINE CAN YOU GET THE DOOOOOOOR!" I yelled, knowing that she was still in the kitchen.
"I'M BUSY!" She snapped back angrily.
"Fine than. I'll get it." I jumped up out of my seat and ran for the door, opening it wide.
"Miss me?"

a/n: sorry the update took soooo long. I didn't quite know what to write (:

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