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Elaine's POV: 

"Sam.." I pushed Kian off and pulled the sheet over my naked body. I was so ashamed. I was caught up in the moment, and Kian was just so fucking hot, also being extremely drunk didn't help my urges. 

"How could you..?" Sam had a look of betrayal cross his face, followed by sadness and anger. No, not anger.. Fury. I saw his fists clench as he stomped over to Kian who was trying to keep himself up while pulling on his track pants. 

"I thought you were my fucking friend!" Sam spit. I quickly jumped out of the bed to pull on a robe and got in between the two boys. 

"Sam no." I tried to say, but he cut me off. 

"Shut the fuck up you lying cheating slut." his words hit my heart like knives, to the point where I lost breath. I had never been called any of those things before, I've always been against that type of thing but, he's right. 

"Look, I know you're all angry, but can we do this in the morning when we aren't so drunk?" Clary piped up from the doorway, I had almost forgot that she was here.

"Shut the fuck up and stay out of this." I fired at her. 

"Well I'm not the fucking unloyal slut in this room so maybe YOU should shut the fuck up." she fired back. 

"Bitch I saw the way you were looking at Jc earlier, don't pull that unloyal bullshit on me. He's not single you fucking whore!" I admit, I was misdirecting my anger at her, but I don't regret anything I said, because I know it's the truth. Clary stormed out of the room all the while Kian and Sam stared at me dumbfounded. "What? Bitch deserved it." I said, looking down at the ground to my pink painted toes. 

"We're over." Sam took the promise ring I gave him last year and chucked it on my bed, not even giving it a last look. 

"Sam please.. We can work through this." As I was saying it, I knew it wasn't true. I knew we couldn't work through it. How many relationships can find a way to continue after one walks in on the other having sex with their friend? 

"You know we can't." Sam looked down at his feet and grabbed my hands. "You were my first love.. And I'm always going to love you. But, even looking at you right now, all I see is his arms around you, and it sickens me." I looked back down at my feet and than at his hands on top of mine. 

"I know.. I'm so sorry for putting you through that.. I love you." I looked into his eyes and leaned in to kiss him one last time. He kissed me back for a split second before letting go of my hands and heading towards the closet. "Are you leaving?" I asked as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Er.. Yeah. I'm gonna catch the next flight outta here and try to find a new place." Sam said as he pulled his suitcase out of the closet and headed for the bathroom. 



"Please stay." Sam poked his head out of the bathroom and furrowed his eyebrows, but before he could speak I cut him off. "Just until tomorrow. It's late and I'm sure Lindsay wants to say goodbye." Sam came out of the bathroom and stuffed his toothbrush and bathroom essentials into his suitcase. 

"I'm sorry Elaine, but I have to leave tonight. I'll say goodbye to Lindsay before I leave, but I can't stay." 

"Okay.. I'll call an uber to come pick you up." Sam nodded his head and walked out of the room with his suitcase trailing behind him. "I love you.." I whispered, knowing he wouldn't hear me. My knees gave out and I fell to the floor with my wet face in my hands. 

Sam's POV: 

I was trying to hold it together, oh fucking god was I trying to hold it together. Tears were threatening to overflow on to my burning cheeks which were, without a doubt, tomato red, and not just from being extremely upset, but also from being pretty god damn drunk. I walked over to Lindsay's room and knocked on her door. 

"Whooo issss itttt?" I heard her call from the inside of her room. 

"It's Sam." I yelled back. I heard someone fumbling inside as well as some whispering but a couple seconds later, the door opened revealing my messy haired sister. 

"Hey." She smiled nonchalantly and leaned against the door frame. 

"Hey, uhm, I'm leaving. I just thought I'd come and say goodbye." I frowned and looked down at the ground. 

"Where you going? It's so late." She had a worried expression on her face. I was the big brother, I was supposed to worry about her, not the other way around. 

"Home." I bit the inside of my cheek and held my hands together, fighting back more tears. 

"Is Elaine going with you? Why are you leaving?" I shook my head and the tears that have been threatening me for the past ten minutes finally made their stand. They flowed down my cheeks and I almost fell to the ground. 

"Oh no.. Come in here." Lindsay grabbed me from under my arms and pulled me into the room. "What happened?" My knees buckled and Lindsay wasn't strong enough to hold me up, so we both fell to the floor. Lindsay put her arms around me and I put my head on her shoulder as she rocked me back and forth telling me that its okay.

"I walked in.. on her.." I tried to clear the big bubble in my throat, "Having sex with Kian." I blubbered out and more tears fell out of my grief stricken eyes. 

"Sammy.. I'm so sorry. It's okay. It's okay." She kept telling me that it was okay, but I damn well knew it wasn't. Nothing was okay anymore. My whole world was falling apart, my whole world did fall apart.. Elaine was my world.. I pulled out of her arms and wiped my face of all my tears. From now on, I'm not going to love anyone. Relationships are for people who want to get hurt, but I won't be hurt anymore, I'm done.  

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