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Jc's POV:

I shot up, my body covered in cold sweat. I evened my breathing and laid back down in my bed, feeling the empty sheets next to me. I remember this feeling, when she was in a coma, but I never thought I'd have to go through it again. Clutching her pillow in my arms, I could still smell the essence of her coconut shampoo. I let a tear slip down my cheek. I fucked up

Elaine's POV:

"I'm going out!" I yell throughout the house while grabbing my keys. I throw on my galaxy vans to match with my black leggings and tie dye shirt I made last year.
"Can you bring me back a pumpkin spice latte? I've been waiting all year for them to come back in season." Kian asks, walking towards me with a grin. He was so cute when he acted arrogant.
"I won't be back for a while. But if I remember I will."
"Where you going?"
"I'm going out with.." I see Jc barreling down the stairs towards the kitchen, "a friend." I smile and kiss him on the cheek. "I'll be back soon! I love you! Bye! Bye Jc!" they say their goodbyes back to me and I head out the door to my little black car. I plopped into the drivers seat, rolled down my window and turned on some music.

"so baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover that I know you can't afford, bite that tattoo on your shoulder. pull the sheets right off the corner of the mattress that you stole from your roommate back in boulder we ain't ever gettin older"

"WE AIN'T EVER GETTIN OLDER!" I sang at the top of my lungs at the red light. I looked to my left to see this guy, maybe early twenties and pretty cute, staring at me and laughing. I felt my cheeks flush and I rolled up my window embarrassingly.

I finally got to the mall, it took me forever to find a parking space, and the one I did find was a long walk to where I needed to be. I was supposed to meet her by 12 and I was already a half hour late, so I was in a bit of a rush.
"Elaine! It's so nice to see you!" Lindsay opened her arms and gave me a hug. I was reluctant at first, I'm not a big hugger unless it's Kian of course, but I returned it awkwardly. "How have you been? I feel like we haven't talked in ages!" She over exaggerates so much.
"We talk every day." I point out as we walk into Ardenes. There's always so many sales, but I decided to drag Lindsay to the shoes.
"Okay true but still. These boots are SO CUTE!" she picks up a pair of black thigh high hooker boots that have heels and puts them against her legs. "Whadya think?"
"I think they're uhm.... nice. I mean, if you wanna look like a prostitute." Lindsay rolled her eyes and put the boots in her basket.
"Well I think they're cute." she struts off towards some clothes.

A few hours passed...

"I'm just gonna put some of this shit on and let's go party." Lindsay grins. I can't really say I've missed single Lindsay. She was always such a party person, always wanting to go meet guys, but who am I to judge, that's how we became friends. We walk into the bathroom and go into separate stalls to change. I decided to keep my vans on but put on a pair of ripped jeans and a band tee that I bought today. I pulled off all the tags and walked out to wait for Lindsay, she always took the longest to get changed.
"Are you almost done?" I asked annoyed. I'd only been waiting 5 minutes but I can get really impatient sometimes.
"One minute!" She yelled. I heard the door unlock and she came out. She was wearing her hooker boots with a pair of black leggings, a revealing red lacey shirt and she topped it off with a small open jacket.
"So? Would you date me?" she asks confidently, strutting around the bathroom.
"If I was looking for a hooker, you'd probably be the first one I'd go to." I smirk at her arrogantly, but she just rolls her eyes.
"You're so mean to me." she jokes in a childish voice.
"Let's take my car, I'll drive you back here later to get yours." I suggested. "I just need to stop at home to grab my ID and we can go." Lindsay's face dropped.
"Home.. uhh.. can you come get me after you're done?" she stammered.
"No, it's too far of and drive. You can't avoid him forever, you're gonna have to talk to him some time." Lindsay breathed deeply and started walking out the door.
"Lindsay where you going?" I grabbed her arm, making her stop walking.
" I can't see him Elaine. I'm sorry, I just can't." tears started to pool in her eyes, she was still hurt from her breakup.
"Lindsay if you miss him that much, just take him back."
"He won't want me back. Look at me. I'm not the same person as I was before." she starts walking again, but I stop her.
"He loves you Lindsay. I know for a fact, that if you even showed the slightest of interest, he would take you back."
"You think?" she asks warily, dabbing at her eye so she didn't wipe her mascara off.
"I know." I smiled and grabbed her arm, pulling her towards the doors and towards my car.

left the mall; arrived at elaines house

"I don't know if I can do this Elaine." she confesses as we pull into my driveway.
"You'll do fine. Come on." I get out of the car and walk up to the door, Lindsay followed behind me shyly.
"Oh good you're home! Did you bring me that latte?" Kian asks, coming up for a kiss, but he stops dead in his tracks when he sees Lindsay.
"Oh. Hey." he smiles and waves to her.
"Kian who's here?" Jc yells, I could hear him bounding down the stairs. Lindsay came closer to me, I could feel her body shaking. Jc comes around the corner and freezes, all I could see was his eyes blinking in surprise.
"Hi Jc."

a/n :

how are you guys liking the book so far? do you want jc and lindsay to get back together? comment some thoughts on what you want to have happen and ill read through them (: goodnight xxx

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