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"Oh uh.. Hey." I turned around and rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment. I practically had drool running down my face.. It was amazing in here.
"Are you doing alright here? Would you like some help finding anything?" The girl asked. She looked like she was in her early twenties, she was wearing a gray beanie, black leggings and a plaid shirt. She was really.. Hot. She was hot as fuck.
"Well.. Uhh.. I just saw this place and thought it might be cool. I'm not from around here." I admitted shyly. Why the fuck was I being shy? Sure she's hot but I never got shy before.
"Okay.. Well... I'm Francine. My mom owns this little place. If you need anything I'll be at the front desk." She smiled and walked away.
"I need something!" I smirked and she turned around.
"I need your number." I smirked and winked at her. Trying to be flirty. She rolled her eyes, turned on her heels, and headed back towards the desk.
"I guess I'll get it later than." I mumbled to myself. I walked to the nearest aisle and started to browse the books.
"Francine!!" I tried to get her attention. She was blaring music through her headphones with her back towards to cash register. I had found 2 books that looked so amazing. They were vampire books. I've always loved supernatural books, they had a certain charm.. I always found that reading fiction books let me leave the real world for a while, and I get lost in the magic.
"Francine!!" I yelled again.. No response. I was done waiting for her. I reached my arm as far as I could over the counter and tapped on her shoulder. My arm just reached. She jumped and her headphones flew out of her ears. I heard a familiar song playing loudly through them...
"Can I get these?" I asked politely.
"No." She replied sarcastically and rolled her eyes. She scanned them and I paid with my debit card.
"Ghost right?"
"What?" She looked at me with a puzzled expression.
"Ghost, you know, by Jake Miller. That's what you were listening to earlier. Its a really good song" I smiled and was about to walk out the door when she stopped me.
"Wait!! You forgot your receipt!" She yelled after me.
"It's fine, I don't need it." I replied and started to walk out the door again.
"No please!! Its important! You have to keep it!" She walked over to me and gave me the receipt. Why did she want me to have it so bad?
"Thank you.. What's your name again?" She asked me. She had really pretty eyes.. They were green and beautiful with brown flecks in them.
"I never told you my name. But.. My name is Justin. Everyone calls me Jc though." What's up with this chick..? First she won't give me her number and now she's acting all flirty and weird. Girls are so confusing.
"Well.. Thank you Jc. It was really nice to meet you. Hopefully I'll see you again. Goodbye." She gave me a warm smile as I said goodbye and practically ran out the door.
"Fucking chick was crazy." I said to myself as I walked back to the hotel... I got to our room and Kian was passed out on his bed. I quietly closed the door behind me, set my stuff down and had a running start before I jumped on him.
"AHHH!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. "JC!!!" I got off of him and he chased me around the room, throwing whatever he could pick up at me. When he finally gave up, I had a gigantic bruise on my leg where he threw the lamp. The whole room was a disaster, it looked like a tornado hit it.
"Tornado Kian hits local hotel room in Minnesota." I said in my best TV announcer voice. He threw his pillow at me and started to clean up the mess.
"Fuck Kian. My leg hurts. Why you gotta be such a bitch?" I joked around. But he didn't take it too lightly, he threatened to throw the lamp at me again so I ran and hid in the bathroom. While I was in there I decided to have a shower.
"All my life, you stood by me, when no one else was ever behind me. All these lights, they can't blind me. With your love, nobody can drag me down." I sang while washing my hair.
I finally got out and dried myself off. I wrapped the white hotel room robe around me and went to grab my boxers(Its what I sleep in). I decided to read a bit before I went to bed, so I cracked open one of the vampire books I had gotten. I put the receipt in it earlier, and I was about to crumple it up and throw it away when I saw writing on it. It was a number with Francine written under it with a winky face. Oh fuck. I put the receipt back in the book and placed it on my bedside table and tried to fall asleep.


that girl j.c (completed)Where stories live. Discover now