Chapter 2

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I hurried down the hall to my locker. If I was lucky, I could grab my stuff for math and get out of the hall before the lunch crowd came trampling in. Unfortunately, I was not lucky. Just as I finished collecting my things, the bell rang and a stampede of students flooded the halls. I shouldered my way through the crowd, desperately trying to tune out the roar of the mob. Suddenly, someone slammed into me. I fell, causing my books to slide out of my arms and scatter across the hallway.

"I am so sorry!" a voice said. I looked up and saw a boy standing over me. He had curly, beach blond hair and cerulean blue eyes. Freckles peppered his sun-kissed skin. He reminded me of a surfer, or someone who spent too much time on the beach. He knelt down and began collecting my books off the floor and handing them to me. "I am so, so, so, so sorry!" he repeated.

"Look, don't worry about it," I muttered. "I can get these by myself."

"No, it's my fault," the boy insisted. "let me help you."

I snatched my books from his hands. "Just let me handle this!" I snapped.

"Will you at least let me walk you to class then?" the boy asked.

I raised my head and met his eyes. They were warm and inviting, like a cool swimming pool on a hot summer day. "Alright, fine," I replied.

The boy smiled, "Awesome!"

We walked side by side down the hall. "You really don't have to do this, you know," I said.

"Oh, I know!" the boy answered. "But I want to." I sighed. Couldn't I just get to class without being bothered by some overly-happy idiot? "I'm Will, by the way," he said.

"Congratulations, you know your own name," I replied sarcastically.

Will ignored my comment, "What's your name?"

I glared at him, "Nico."

"Nice to meet you, Nico," Will said, grinning.

"I wish I could say the same," I muttered. We finally reached the classroom. I reached for the door handle, but Will caught my shoulder. I turned to face him, "What now?"

"Goodbye," Will said.

I sighed, "Bye." He flashed me one last smile, and headed back down the hall. For some reason, I had a strange urge to follow him. You hate him, I thought, You hate optimistic freaks like him. I ignored the feeling in my gut, and entered the classroom.

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