Chapter 32

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Will parked the car in the driveway. The doors unlocked with a soft click, allowing me to exit. But, I stayed. Will looked at me curiously, "Nico?"

"Yeah?" I answered. 

"Are you going to get out?" he asked. I glanced at the house. 

It no longer seemed like home. Without Hazel there, the only thing to greet me would be the dark halls plunged in eerie silence. I shivered, "No."

Will sighed, "C'mere." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled closer. I pressed against him and buried my face in his chest. "It's going to be fine," he whispered. 

"How do you know?" I asked, fighting back tears. 

Will hugged me tighter, "I don't know." I removed my face from his chest and pressed my forehead against his. We sat there for a minute, gazing into each others' eyes in silence. Will leaned forward a few inches and our lips met. I felt as if I had drank a tub of liquid fire. Warmth pumped through my veins, making me feel unstoppable. He grabbed my arms and hauled me into the backseat. We fell into the squishy leather seats, our lips locked. Will tangled his fingers in my hair and pulled me onto his lap. He trailed kisses down my neck and to my collarbone. 

"God, Will..." I sighed as he slipped his fingers under my shirt. His hands trailed up and down my back, tracing my spine with his fingers. He suddenly pulled my shirt off and tossed it away. A few moments later, I had done the same and we were both lying in the backseat of the Thunderbird shirtless. I ran my fingers over Will's muscular stomach and chest. His breath hitched and his brilliant blue eyes suddenly glittered mischievously. 

"Wanna play that game, huh?" he whispered. Will gripped me and flipped me on top of him. He pressed his lips to my neck and worked his way across my skin, no doubt leaving marks. I reached for his fly, but Will gently placed his hand over mine. "Wait," he said. "Are you sure?"

I nodded firmly, "I'm more than sure." Will released my hands and I undid his fly. I yanked his pants off his discarded them. I slipped my hand into Will's boxers and wrapped my fingers around his member. 

He groaned as I pumped, "Shit, Nico..." I removed the boxers, revealing his already hard erection. I took him into my mouth, bobbing my head up and down as I sucked him. Will let out a loud moan, and I prayed the neighbors weren't outside. I lifted my head, panting. 

Will sat up and smirked, "My turn." He pushed me against the seat and quickly removed my jeans. I felt myself growing firm as Will ran his fingers up my bare thighs, his blue eyes shining in the dim, evening light. 

"Are you going to do this or not, Solace?" I said in an exasperated tone. 

"We're getting there," Will whispered. He reached forward and pulled down my boxers. He traced my member with a single finger, sending shocking sensations through my body. 

"Will, you ass," I groaned as he continued to tease me. He lowered his head and sucked my erection, slowly at first and gradually gaining speed. "Will... Will..." I repeated his name over and over again, as if it were the only word I knew. Will suddenly raised his head and sat up. He shifted until he had situated himself between my legs. Then, I felt him enter me. He thrust his hips, slow at first and soon picking up speed. "Fuck, Will..." I moaned. My legs trembled as Will continued to thrust his hips as hard and fast as he could. Finally, I couldn't hold it in anymore and I exploded. "WILL!" I cried.

Will smiled, satisfied, as I screamed his name. He removed himself from me and laid down across the seat. He pulled me on top of him. I rested my head against his chest and listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. We sat there, panting, for what felt like forever. 

"Nico," Will sighed, wrapping his arms around me. I snuggled against him, taking in the scent of fresh lemons and feeling his warmth against my skin. 

"I love you," I whispered. 

Will held me tighter, "I love you, too."

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