Chapter 28

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I arrived at school the next day feeling exhausted. I hadn't gotten home until midnight, and I barely slept. I spotted Will in his usual place against the wall, looking equally tired. 

"Get any sleep last night, Nico?" Will asked as I approached him. I shook my head and yawned. Will chuckled, "Well, school comes whether you got enough sleep or not. Come on." He took my hand and lead me inside. We followed the rushing mob of students to my locker. I quickly gathered my books and hurried to class with Will at my side. 

The day was noticeably quieter without Hazel around. There was no one making faces in the hall as Will and I passed. The center table seemed incomplete without her playful yet motherly attitude. Everything felt a little bit emptier without Hazel around. 

At the end of the school day, I prepared to board the bus where I would surely be alone. Hazel wasn't around to keep me company. Just as I was about to join the line of students filing onto the bus, Will grabbed my shoulder. 

"Wait!" he said.

I turned to face him, "What is it?"

"Do you want to come home with me?" Will offered. 

I eyed him, "I came home with you yesterday."

"Yeah, well, we were sort of interrupted. Besides, Hazel isn't home. Don't you want some company?" Will reasoned.

I sighed, "Fine. I'll go home with you." Will smiled triumphantly as he took my hand and hauled me towards the Thunderbird. Will started the car, and maneuvered through traffic until we reached the quiet, sunny lane that he lived on. We pulled up in front of the house, and stepped out of the car. Mrs. Solace leapt out of her rocking chair on the porch and hurried across the yard to greet us. 

"Oh, Nico, I'm so sorry about your sister," she said, pulling me into a tight embrace. 

"It's fine. Will took me to the hospital, she seems like she'll be fine," I lied. Will eyed my curiously, but didn't say anything. 

Mrs. Solace smiled, "That's good to here. I would love to meet her sometime, she sounds like such a sweet girl."

If she lives long enough, I though grimly as we followed Mrs. Solace to the porch. Will and I settled into the other two rocking chairs on the porch. I noticed Will sat down in the larger one, which I assumed belonged to his father. 

"Sorry about the chaos I caused," I apologized. 

Mrs. Solace's face softened, "Don't apologize! Your sister was injured, she needed you. I would've driven you myself if Will hadn't."

"Mom, you're no good at driving. I wouldn't trust you with my boyfriend," Will remarked. 

Mrs. Solace smiled playfully at her son, "Then I'd do my best." I couldn't help but notice how happy they were. Mother and son. Together. A real family. I imagined how different life would be if Mom hadn't left. Bianca would still be alive, Dad wouldn't be at work all the time, Marie wouldn't always be on my nerves... I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head. I had to stop feeling sorry for myself. 

I continued to talk with Will and Mrs. Solace well into the evening. When I noticed the setting sun and the sudden temperature drop, I figured it was time to go. "It's getting late," I announced, staring at the sunset. 

"Oh dear!" Mrs. Solace exclaimed. "I've kept you too long! Will, please drive Nico home."

"Sure, Mom," Will said, rising from his chair. 

Mrs. Solace hugged me, "See you soon, Nico." She waved as I stepped off the porch and followed Will to the car. 

"Mom loves you," Will said as I slipped into the passenger's seat. 

I chuckled, "That's surprising, most people find me creepy."

"I think she finds you charming," Will answered. 

"It's nice to have someone like me for a change," I said. 

"Like you? I'm pretty sure she's ready to adopt you! She probably has our entire wedding planned and has already chosen names for our future children," Will exclaimed. I could't help but flush at the idea of Will and I having a future together. Will must have realized how that comment sounded as well, because it suddenly became very quiet. 

"You know, that doesn't sound so bad," I said after a few moments of silence. 

Now, it was Will's turn to blush, "You mean a future? Together?"

"Yeah," I answered. "Your mom's already planned a wedding and picked out baby names."

Will laughed, "Yeah, but we have a while to go." Our conversation was cut short when we came to a stop in front of my house.

"Later, Will," I said. He pecked me on the lips before unlocking the car door. I waved to him before turning and hurrying inside. I couldn't stop thinking about what Will had said. A future with Will. It didn't sound so bad. 

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