Chapter 10

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All I thought about for the rest of the week was hanging out with Will on Friday night. Part of my mind dreamed about how great it could be. We would see the movie, have a great time, and I would have successfully made a friend.

But another part of my mind kept reminding me of everything that could go wrong. It could be awful, and Will and I may never speak again. The thought of never speaking to Will again made my stomach churn. I figured it would be best to avoid that outcome.

The two sides warred for the rest of the week, until Friday came. I was so nervous, I could barely pay attention in class. In between periods, Will babbled on and on about how great it was going to be while I followed in silence. At lunch, I didn't say a word. I noticed everyone casting nervous looks in my direction, occasionally whispering to each other.

After what seemed like a lifetime, the school day ended, and it was time to go home. I said goodbye to Will, and boarded the bus.

As soon as I sat down, I pulled out my phone, put in my earphones, and blasted My Chemical Romance to try and distract myself. I was so focused on tuning out my emotions, I didn't notice when Hazel joined me a few minutes later.

"Nico," she said as she pulled out one of my earphones.

"Hazel!" I exclaimed. I hastily turned off my music and shoved my phone in my bag. "What's up?"

Hazel rolled her eyes, "What's up with me? What's up with you?"

I stared at her, confused, "What do you mean?"

"I mean how you've been acting the past few days!" she replied. "You've been fine all week, but then suddenly you start acting all nervous. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," I lied.

Hazel glared at me, "Don't lie to me! I know you're not fine!"

I paused and stared at me feet. I was nervous about going to a movie with a friend. How stupid would that sound? I shouldn't even be nervous, we're just friends.

"It's just a thing with someone later tonight," I mumbled.

Hazel's eyes widened to the size of saucers, "What? You didn't tell me you were going on a date!" she gushed. "Who's the lucky girl?"

"It's not a date," I answered, my face going tomato red.

Hazel stared at me with a puzzled expression, "Then what is it?"

"I'm just going to see a movie with Will," I replied.

"Oh," she said. "Then why are you nervous?"

"Honestly, I don't know," I answered. I stared down at my lap and rode the rest of the way in silence. Hazel stopped talking to me. But, out of the corner of my eye, I could see her looking at me with a curious expression.

That evening, I was rummaging through my drawers, trying to find something nice to wear. A pile of t-shirts and jeans so large that I could hardly see over it had accumulated beside me. I tossed the remaining t-shirts onto the pile, and stared at the empty drawer. I flopped across my bed and let out a frustrated groan.

Hazel suddenly appeared in the doorway, grinning. "Need help?" she asked.

"Help would be nice," I replied. She giggled and knelt down beside the pile of clothes.

She went straight to work and began sifting through the pile. She would pull out a piece of clothing and examine it, before frowning and tossing it back in the pile. "You have to have something good in here," she said.

I shook my head, "I've been looking for an hour."

Hazel sighed and sat down next to me, "Let's look together. I'm sure we'll find something." Reluctantly, I agreed. We spent the next half hour sorting through the enormous stack of clothes. Most of my clothes got tossed aside, but occasionally one of us would find something nice and save it. Eventually, we managed to create a large pile of discarded clothes, and a small pile of decent clothes.

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