Chapter 20

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About ten minutes after we departed from school, Will and I pulled into the driveway. Will parked the Thunderbird, and stepped out. He came around to the passenger's side, and held the door open as I exited my seat. 

"What a gentleman," I teased. 

Will grinned, "All for you, Sunshine."

"Stop calling me that!" I scolded. 

Will laughed and shook his head, "Not in a million years." We made our way across the lawn, to the front door. I reached for the door knob, but Will grabbed it and opened the door. He grinned mischievously and gestured for me to enter, "After you."

I flushed and stepped over the threshold, Will following behind me. I peered over my shoulder and glared at him. "Don't you know it's rude to enter someone's house without being invited?" I said. 

Will shrugged indifferently, "You're the exception." I rolled my eyes and lead him into the kitchen. 

"Tea?" I offered. 

"Sure," Will replied as he took a seat at the table. I reached into the cupboard and produced two cups. I grabbed the sweet tea from the fridge, and filled the cups. I placed them on the table, and seated myself across from Will. 

Suddenly, Hazel came rushing down the stairs. "Nico?" she called, entering the room. 

"Hey, Hazel," I replied. 

"Oh, there you are!" she exclaimed. "Where were you? You were gone for an hour!" 

"Will drove me home," I replied. She then noticed Will seated opposite me, awkwardly observing us. Her eyes widened and darted between us suspiciously. Will's face grew red as he averted his eyes. 

"Oh, hello, Will," she answered awkwardly. "I wasn't expecting to see you."

Will fingers closed around his cup, "Sorry I-"

Hazel cut him off, "Don't apologize, it's a pleasant surprise."

Will looked up at Hazel, surprise written across his face, "You are?"

"Yes. It's nice to see Nico making-" she paused and glanced in my direction, "-friends."

Will grinned, "Thank you." 

Hazel poured herself a cup of tea and hovered next to the table. "Mind if I join you?" she asked. 

I knew I didn't really have a choice, so I simply answered, "Not at all." Hazel flashed me a knowing smile and sat down. 

"Are your parents home?" Will inquired. 

"No. My dad and my stepmom both get up early and work late. We don't see them a lot," I explained. 

"Oh," Will responded softly. We sat there for a few minutes, sipping out tea in silence. 

Hazel cleared her throat, breaking the quiet, "So, Will, do you have any friends besides Nico?"

"Nah, he's pretty much it," he answered, shaking his head.

I had to resist the urge to burst out laughing. "You? A loner?" I said in disbelief. "How? You're so friendly and inviting!"

Will flushed and looked away, "Thanks."

"No, seriously," I insisted. "You're awesome. How have people not noticed that?" Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Hazel beaming as she watched us talk. 

Will shrugged, "I don't know. I was bullied a lot in elementary and middle school, and nobody ever talked to me. I guess I just kind of got used to being alone."

"You were bullied?" I said. How could Will Solace, the outgoing optimist that looked like he could be on the cover of a surf magazine have been bullied?

"Yeah," he replied, nodding. "They thought I was a wimp because I was more into archery than football, and I liked music."

Hazel nudged me, "He's an archer, he's a musician, and he's good-looking. You really scored," she whispered. I couldn't help but blush. 

Will glanced down at the watch on his wrist, and his eyes bulged. "I'm late! Mom's going to kill me!" he exclaimed. He leapt from his seat and pecked me on the cheek before bolting outside. I heard the Thunderbird roar to life and start down the street. After Will left, Hazel stared at me with her eyebrows raised and a knowing smile on her face. 

"You like him," she said. 

"Shut up," I mumbled, sipping my tea. 

"But you two are so cute!" she gushed. "He totally likes you!"

"Yeah, I know," I replied. 

Her eyes grew even wider, "You do?"

I nodded, "I talked to him about it after school."

"So he's your boyfriend now?" Hazel inquired. 

My face went red, "He's not my boyfriend."

"Oh, sure, I confess my love for my friends, drive them home, and kiss them on the cheek all the time," Hazel answered sarcastically.

"Okay, maybe he is my boyfriend," I confessed. 

"Oh, wait 'til Jason hears about this!" Hazel exclaimed, an excited grin creeping across her face. 

I raised my eyebrows, "You know that I told Jason?"

Hazel giggled, "Of course I do, he told me."

"Oh," I answered. "Did he tell anyone else?"

"Nope. Your secret's safe." Hazel replied. 

I let out a sigh of relief, "Good."

"But seriously, you guys are adorable," Hazel said. 

I blushed even harder, "Thanks."

She grinned, "I bet Bianca would like him, too."

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