Chapter 15

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The remainder of the morning quickly passed. Before I knew it, the lunch bell dismissed me from class. I packed up my things, and joined the mob of students stampeding through the hall. I met Will at my locker before I put away my materials, and headed for the cafeteria. I sat down in my usual spot with Hazel and her friends at the middle table. Unlike most days, today I was able to join the conversation and easily socialize with them. 

But, for some reason, I couldn't keep my eyes off Percy. His sea green eyes twinkling when he laughed. His unkempt black hair swished every time he moved his head. Every time he looked at me, I felt like I was stuck on a roller coaster moving a million miles an hour. My stomach lurched, my insides twisted, and I was at loss for words. 

Soon, the bell rang and dismissed us from lunch. I discarded my tray at the window, and headed down the hall to meet Will at my locker. I was about half way there when Jason jogged up to me. 

"Hey Nico," he said, "Can I ask you a question?"

I hesitated, "Sure."

"Okay, good," he said. He peered over his shoulder at the rushing crowd of students bustling through the hall. "We better go somewhere private," he added. Jason lead me down the hall and around the corner to a janitors' closet. He threw open the door and gestured for me to enter. 

I gingerly stepped over the threshold, and Jason followed. "What's this about?" I asked. 

Jason shut the door and turned to me, "Remember on Saturday when we talked about relationships and Piper asked you which girl you liked?"

I shifted uncomfortably, "Um, yeah?"

Jason took a deep breath, "Well, you got really nervous. Is everything okay?" I chewed my lip and and stared at my feet. Jason looked at me with a concerned expression, "Nico?"

"I- yeah, I'm fine. Everything's great," I lied. 

Jason focused his pale blue eyes on me, "No, it's not. You're lying to me, I can tell."

I looked up at him, "What are you-?"

Jason began twiddling his fingers nervously, "I don't mean to pry but..." he paused. 

"But what?" I said. 

"Are you-I mean it's fine if you are-like, not straight?" he asked. 

My mouth fell open, "How did you know?" 

He smiled a little, "My sister, Thalia, is gay, too. She acted the same way before she came out."

"Your sisters a lesbian?" I asked. 

Jason chuckled,  "Yeah, you're not the only gay kid on the block," he teased. 

I laughed and gazed into his blue eyes. I don't know what it was about Jason, but somehow I knew I could trust him. Maybe it was his calming blue eyes, or his down-to-earth personality, but he just seemed to radiate a sense of integrity.

I nodded, "I'm glad you know."

He raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

"Yeah," I answered. "It's nice to tell someone. Plus, you seem trustworthy."

Jason grinned, "Thanks. Does anyone else know?"

"Hazel does," I replied, "I told her a few days ago."

"Fresh out of the closet, huh? You'll be great," he said. "If anyone makes fun of you, tell me. I'll punch them into tomorrow."

I felt myself blushing, "Thanks."

Jason nodded, "No problem."

I suddenly remembered that Will would be waiting for me at my locker. "Shit," I exclaimed, "I have to go, someone's waiting on me."

"Yeah, don't wanna be late," Jason said. "Later, Nico!" 

"Bye, Jason," I replied. I slipped out of the janitors' closet, and hustled to my locker where Will was waiting for me. 

"There you are!" he exclaimed, "Where were you?"

I shook my head, "Nowhere. Let's get to class." I grabbed my books, and Will and I disappeared down the hall. 

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