Chapter 11

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By the time the movie was over, the sun had set, replaced by hundreds of twinkling stars. Will and I stepped out of the dark theater, and into the silvery moonlight. "That movie was awful," Will said.

 "Yeah," I agreed, "Next time, we should get someone else to pick the movie."

Will chuckled, "Good idea." He sighed and stared up at the night sky. His blue eyes reflected the stars, like a sea full of pearls. The moon illuminated his unruly hair, making it seem as if he had a golden halo around his head. He looked like an angel.

Stop thinking like that, I thought, Don't ruin this.

Will turned to me and smiled, "Ready to go?" I nodded and followed him to the car. I slid into the passenger seat, shutting the door behind me. Will started the car, and we pulled out of the parking lot. I stared at the night sky through the window. The stars winked at me from the sky, and the moonlight seemed to dance with the shadows.

"Nice night, huh?" Will said. 

I nodded, "Yeah."

Suddenly, he turned the car onto an empty gravel path. "What are you doing?" I asked, slightly alarmed. 

"Taking the scenic route," he responded. He followed the path for a few miles before pulling to the side of the road , and parking the car. 

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"To see the stars," he replied.

"Why can't we just go home?"

Will frowned, "You're going to see the stars," he said. "Doctor's orders."

"Fine, Doctor Solace," I teased. Will grinned, and we stepped out of the car. We walked around to the front of the car, and leaned on the hood. 

"See? This isn't so bad," Will said, gesturing to the night sky.

 "It's pretty nice," I agreed.

Will raised his eyebrows, "Pretty nice? A night like this and you say it's just pretty nice?" Will slid into a sitting position on top of the hood. He grabbed my arm and pulled me next to him. "See that up there?" Will asked, pointing to three stars twinkling side by side in the sky. "That's Orion, the hunter." He aimed his finger towards a set of stars in the shape of an upside down Y, "That over there is Cancer, the crab."

"How do you know all this?" I asked.

Will shrugged, "I took astronomy freshman year."

I couldn't help laughing, "Seriously? I thought you wanted to be a doctor!"

 "I thought I wanted to be an astronomer," Will explained.

"Why don't you want to be an astronomer anymore?" I inquired.

"I found out I was going to be doing a lot of math. I hate math," Will replied.

 I snorted, "Being a doctor does involve less math."

Will turned to me, "What do you want to be?"

I shrugged, "I don't know."

 Will raised his eyebrows, "You don't know?" he said. I shook my head. "Well, then I'm going to change that," Will declared.

"You're going to help me find a career?" I asked.


 "Will Solace, you're insane."

Will grinned, "Thank you." I yawned, and laid down on the hood. The metal was warm against my back. 

"Getting tired?" Will asked. I closed my eyes and nodded. "Well then let's get you home," Will said, sliding off the hood. I sat up and followed him. We took our seats, and Will started the car. Will steered the car off of the gravel path, and back onto the main road. I leaned back in my seat, and closed my eyes, listening to the purr of the engine as we drove home. 

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