Chapter 8

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The remainder of the day was nothing special. At the end of the day, I boarded the bus. A few moments later, Hazel slid next to me. 

"You were great today," she said, grinning from ear to ear. 

"You've already said that," I reminded her.

She rolled her eyes and shoved me playfully, "I'm just happy you're finally socializing."

"All I did was sit with your friends at lunch," I said.

"Yeah, but that's the most socializing you've done all year," she answered. "And, you'll be sitting with us tomorrow!" 

I looked up at her, completely unprepared for this situation. "What?" I cried. 

Her excited mood suddenly turned into worry. "I-I thought you might like it," she stammered. 

I shook my head, "I barely made it through today!"

Hazel stared at her feet, ashamed. "I'm sorry," she apologized, "I should've asked."

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I shouldn't be mad at Hazel, she was only trying to help. It wasn't her fault that I was an ungrateful shut-in who was too stupid to realize what a favor she was doing me. ""No," I finally managed, "I'm sorry."

She stared at me, confused by my sudden attitude change. "What?"

"I said I'm sorry," I repeated. "You're trying to help me, and I should appreciate that. I'll sit with you tomorrow."

Her eyes widened, "Oh that's great!" She threw her arms around my neck and pulled me into a tight embrace. "I'm glad your finally making friends," she said in my ear.

I hugged her back, "I am too," I said, "Bianca would've wanted it this way."

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