Chapter 26

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After about an hour of anxiously sitting in the hall, the doctor finally emerged from Hazel's room. We all sprang to our feet and rushed over to him. 

"How is she?" I asked. 

The doctor sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Well, the good news is she's awake. However, she has two broken legs, a broken arm, several broken ribs, and head trauma." Piper let out a choked sob and leaned against Jason.  

"Will she live?" Leo inquired. 

"We're not sure," the doctor answered grimly. 

We all stood in silence, realizing the gravity of the situation. Hazel could die. I fought back tears as I turned and stormed to the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me and leaned against a wall. I couldn't lose Hazel. Not another sister, not again. I barely made it through Bianca's death. If Hazel died... No, I couldn't think about that. I suddenly heard the door open, and Will appeared at my side. 

"Nico?" he said softly. 

"What?" I sighed. 

He placed his hand on my shoulder, "You can't give up."

"Why not?" I snarled. 

"Because Hazel can make it through this," Will replied. "Hazel's a fighter, it'll take more than a car crash to kill her."

"You can't fight death, Will," I reminded him. 

"The doctor said she could survive this."

"They said the same thing about Bianca! They're doctors, they lie! They don't want to tell you your sister is dying, so they give you false hope. It's what they do!" I shouted. 

He fixed his blue eyes on me, "Nico, my father was a doctor. My father never lied. I want to be a doctor. I would never lie. Hazel can get through this, but she needs you. You have to be brave, Nico. You can't give up on her. Live for her." I stood there in silence for a minute, staring at Will. "You promise me you'll live?" Will asked, his eyes twinkling with hope.

I sighed, "I promise. I'll live for Hazel."

He smiled and took my hand, "Good. Now come on, she wants to see you." He lead me out of the bathroom, and down the hall. We passed the others, who were huddled together in the hall, weeping. I desperately tried to drown out their sobs as I entered Hazel's room. 

"Hey," I said quietly, mustering the best fake smile I could. 

She slowly turned her head to look at me. A smile spread across her bruised face, "Nico! You're here!"

"Yeah," I replied, approaching her. "Why wouldn't I be?"

She shook her head, "I don't know. Is Will here too?"

"Yeah," I responded. "Why?"

She grinned, "Just wondering." I couldn't help but smile a little. Even though she was in the hospital, possibly dying, she still teased me about Will. 

"You look a little better," I said. The doctors had cleaned the dried blood off of her, and dressed her in fresh clothes. The shrapnel had been removed from her body, and the wounds had already been stitched. Her broken limbs and torso were encased in casts. 

"Thanks, I don't feel great, though," Hazel replied. 

"I'm sure you'll feel better soon," I assured her, even though I wasn't sure that was true. 

She reached out and took my hand. I suddenly felt as if I was holding the most fragile thing in the universe. Like one wrong move and I would shatter Hazel. I wanted to let go, but I couldn't. Even though Will told me that Hazel could survive this, I still doubted it. My mind still told me that this might be one of the last times I could hold Hazel's hand. So, instead of releasing her, I simply held on. I held on to her hand like I was holding onto the hope that she could live. 

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