Chapter 21

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When I woke up Wednesday morning, I was in a good mood. I was feeling so good, that I decided to put a little more effort into my appearance. Instead of my usual ensemble of oversized black jeans and a ratty band t-shirt, I decided to wear my black sweater and a pair of pants that actually fit. I even bothered to stop in front of the mirror and brush my hair before hurrying downstairs for breakfast. 

Hazel greeted me with a warm smile, "Hey Nico, you look nice today."

I served myself a plate of eggs and toast, and sat down at the table, "I'm in a good mood."

A smug grin crept across her face, "It's for Will, isn't it?"

"No..." I muttered, taking a bite out of my toast.

"It's totally for Will!" Hazel gushed. 

I flushed, "You dress up for Frank."

"Nico, I'm happy for you," she said, squeezing my shoulder. "I'm glad you've found someone." I smiled and squeezed her hand. We quickly finished breakfast and tossed our dishes into the sink. We raced out the door and boarded the bus. 

Will was waiting for me when we arrived at school. Hazel winked at me as we stepped of the bus, and hurried away to go find her friends. 

Will flashed a warm smile as I approached him, "Nice outfit."

I flushed, "Thanks."

"Ready to face the day, Sunshine?" he asked as he slipped his hand into mine. 

I laughed, "Ready as I can be." He took my hand, and we entered the school. We reached my locker, and I began collecting my books. 

"Hey, so I was thinking," Will said, leaning against the locker beside me. "I could meet your friends today."

I paused and my heart pounded in my chest, "What?"

"I-I'm not trying to invite myself. If you don't want me to come, that's fine. I just thought it'd be nice to meet your friends," he explained. 

I chewed my lip nervously, "Will, I want to introduce you to my friends. Really, I do. It's just that they don't know I'm, you know, gay."

"You haven't come out to them yet?" He said. 

"I'm worried about what they'll say," I answered.

"Bullshit," Will said firmly. "If they're actually your friends, they'll accept you."

I felt a smile playing at my lips, "Thanks, Will."

"So, I can meet them then?" he asked once more.

I chuckled and nodded, "Sure, Will."

The morning passed quickly. It felt like I was sprinting down the hall, trying to be one of the first students in the cafeteria merely five minutes after Will and I's conversation. I reached my locker where Will was already waiting, nervously drumming his fingers on the surrounding lockers.

A grin spread across his face when he saw me, "Hey, Nico!"

"Hey Will," I replied, tossing my things into my locker. "Are you nervous?"

Will shrugged, "A little bit."

I laughed and laced our fingers together, "Don't be. You'll be great."

Will gave me a nervous smile in return. I released his hand, and we started down the hall, towards the cafeteria. "Funny," Will said as we walked. "It used to be me comforting you." 

A small smile played at my lips, "I think it's time I returned the favor." We reached the lunchroom, and I spotted my friends already taking their seats at our table. I gently lead Will towards them, my heart hammering against my ribs. 

"Hey, guys," I said when we arrived at the table. They greeted me and rearranged themselves so I had a place to sit. I stared at the seat for a moment. There was only room for one. I cleared my throat, "I wanted to introduce you to some one," I announced, desperately trying to conceal my nervousness. Everyone's eyes immediately went to Will. He flashed a nervous smile. "This is my boyfriend, Will," I said.

Everyone fell silent for a moment. Their eyes darted from me to Will and back again, surprise written across their faces. 

Annabeth was the first to speak,"Nice to meet you, Will." Her gray eyes twinkled, "Please, have a seat." They rearranged once more, creating a second empty spot. Will and I took our seats, and glanced around at the others. They all stared at us, smiling. The only person who wasn't smiling was Leo. Instead, he sat there with his mouth hanging open in shock.  

"You're in a relationship?" he exclaimed. 

Piper glared at him and punched his arm. She returned her attention to Will, "So Will, Nico has only mentioned you a few times. How long have you two been together?"

Will grinned, "A few days."

Piper's eyes widened, "Oh, so this just happened. How have things been so far?"

"Great," Will answered. "Nico isn't nearly as pessimistic as he seems." Everyone laughed at his remark. My friends quickly engaged Will in a conversation. They asked him questions about our relationship, introduced themselves, and got to know him. Will fit in well, and quickly became friends with everyone at the table. 

As I watched my friends and Will, I couldn't help but feel happy. Not only had my friends supported me, but they accepted Will, too. I couldn't have asked for more. My chest swelled with pride and joy as I watched them. 

When lunch finished, Will and I said goodbye to the others, and exited the lunchroom together. 

"How did you feel?" I asked as we walked down the hall. 

"Great," Will answered, grinning. "You're friends are awesome."

"I'm glad you like them," I replied.

"Do you think they liked me?" Will inquired. 

I smiled and nodded, "Definitely." 

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