Chapter 29

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Returning home was probably the worst part of the day. As soon as I entered the house, the emptiness struck me like a knife. Hazel wasn't by my side, laughing and smiling as I entered. I tossed my backpack aside and sat down at the kitchen table. I gazed at the table cloth as I thought of how many meals we had shared, just me and her raising ourselves. Everything reminded me of her. I thought of her cooking eggs every morning on the stove. I thought of her sitting on the edge of my bed to talk to me. I thought of her sitting across from me at the table. 

She's not coming back, the voices in my mind told me. She's never coming back

"No!" I said to them. "She is coming back no matter what you say!"

The voices laughed. A cold, sinister sound. Like something straight out of Hell. Fool! She is going to die and it will be your fault. If you hadn't been so tangled up with your boyfriend, you could've called to check up on her. You could've told her not to stay out so late. 

"No! Hazel will not die! Hazel will live! Will said so!" I cried, clapping my hands over my ears. 

Will is a doctor, doctors are liars. Remember when Bianca was dying? Remember when the doctor said she was going to be fine? Well, now she's dead. He lied. They all lie.

"Get away from me!" I screamed. I whipped around and slammed my head against a wall as hard as I could. The voices disappeared, replaced by a painful throbbing inside my head. I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead to the wall. I was going insane. I was losing it. I couldn't do this. 

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