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June twenty first, two thousand twenty five. Today could either be the worst or the best day of my life, depending on whether or not I threw up. My stomach was in knots, and I had already used up a whole box of tissues from wiping the sweat off my forehead. I reached in the pocket of my tux and pulled out a small photo of Bianca. 

"Wish me luck," I whispered. I slid the photo in my pocket, and took a deep breath as the organ began to play. The heavy oak double-doors swung open, and I proceeded down the aisle. All around me, friends sat in the pews, beaming at me as I passed. 

Percy and Annabeth sat close to the aisle. Annabeth's gray eyes twinkled as I passed, and her and Percy's baby daughter, Zoe, babbled happily. 

Jason and Piper sat together in front of Percy and Annabeth. They smiled and waved as I passed, their faces glowing with pride. 

Next, I saw Hazel and Frank. They were seated in the front row. Hazel leaned against Frank, tears of joy streaming down her face. My eyes fell to the glittering diamond ring on Hazel's finger. I couldn't help but get a little giddy inside at the thought of Hazel's wedding in a few months. 

Finally, I saw Will. Upon seeing him, I was at loss for words. He wore a white tux with a plump red rose tucked in his lapel. His beach blonde curls had been brushed out and swept back in a way that looked nice, but still maintained Will's relaxed vibe. 

I stepped up to the altar and faced Will. As I stared at my soon-to-be husband, the world seemed to melt away until all that remained was Will and I. He met my eyes and grinned. The same grin that had captured my heart from day one. Before I knew it, it was time to say our vows. 

After Will had finished reciting his vows, the preacher gestured for me to begin. I took a deep breath and looked Will in the eye. "Will Solace," I began. "You're an overly optimistic, stubborn, aggravating idiot." The crowd chuckled and Will flushed. "But, I love you," I continued. "I didn't realize it at first, but I love you. I've loved you all along. I promise I will try to be happy for you. I promise I won't give up on you. And most of all, I promise to keep fighting, because things will always get better. You're optimistic, kind hearted, brave, and wise. You're everything I'm not. But honestly, I think that's why I love you. I think that's why I'm on this altar today. You're everything I'm not." 

I finished my vows and the crowd roared with approval. Will leaned forward and our lips met. And, in that moment, I knew that my vows had been correct. I love Will because he is everything I'm not. 

Everything I'm Not ~ SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now