Chapter 34

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The next day, after school, I went straight to the hospital. For the first time in what felt like forever, I had good news. 

"What's the good news?" Will asked as he drove me to the hospital. 

I smiled, "You'll have to wait and see."

He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, "Why can't I hear it now?"

"Because, I want it to be a surprise," I answered. "Now shut up and drive. The sooner we get there, the sooner you'll find out."

We arrived at the hospital and hurried to Hazel's room. As soon as I entered, I noticed that Hazel had improved significantly. She had gained weight, her eyes seemed more alert, her cuts had begun to heal, and there weren't as many tubes coming from her body. 

"Hey, Hazel," I said as I stepped into the room, Will close behind me. 

She sat up and grinned, "Nico!" 

"Y-you're sitting up!" I exclaimed in surprise. 

She giggled, "Yeah, the doctor says I'm doing a lot better."

"That's great," I answered. "I have more good news for you."

"News that he refused to tell me," Will muttered. 

I glared at him before continuing, "The voices are gone."

Hazel's eyes widened, "You mean, like, gone for good?"

I nodded, "Pretty sure."

"How do you know?" Hazel asked. I explained to her what happened last night. I told her about the voices and how I defeated them. I described to her the feeling of freedom I felt afterward. 

"I'm pretty sure they're gone now," I finished. 

"Oh, Nico, that's great!" she said. She opened her arms for a hug and I obliged. 

A nurse suddenly appeared in the doorway, "Excuse me," she said. I released Hazel and we all turned to face her. "Sorry to interrupt, but the doctor has asked that all guests leave for just a moment. We just want to check on Miss Levesque."

I nodded, "Of course." Will took my hand and lead me into the hall. 

Once he was sure we were alone, he smiled. "You got rid of the voices!" he exclaimed, hugging me. 

"Yeah, I did," I answered. 

He nodded, "I'm proud of you."

"Yeah," I agreed. "I'm proud, too."

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