Check out my newest fanfic!

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Hey, guys! I just wanted to tell you about my newest fanfic, "Odd One Out". 

It is set in 1941/1942, around the time when the U.S. entered World War II. Here's the synopsis:

Nico di Angelo has finally gotten his big break. After months of tirelessly working at a dumpy, small town newspaper, he gets the opportunity of a lifetime: a job offering at The New York Times, and a new life in the Big Apple. But, Nico's life isn't nearly as glamorous as he pictured, and things only get worse when a blond-haired idiot named Will Solace hits Nico with a bike. Will is charming, stubborn, and optimistic. Every characteristic Nico hates shoved into one extremely obnoxious person. Unfortunately, with no one but an editor that hates him, a drunk neighbor who makes a living by cheating in poker, and a photographer that wants nothing more than to leave the city, Nico realizes that Will is the closest thing to a friend he has. Reluctantly, Nico allies with Will to survive his chaotic new life in the city. But things get even worse when Nico starts to develop feelings for Will. With a rushing new world around them and a country on the brink of war, the couple will soon learn that their love can only end in disaster. 

I really hope that you decide to read it because I'm actually quite proud of it. I will admit that the chapters are longer than the ones in this fic, though. Anyway, thank you all for reading!

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