Chapter 17

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The next morning came bright and early. I woke up to sunshine spilling through my window and scattering across the floor. I got dressed quickly, and hurried to the kitchen.

Hazel was already there, preparing a plate of bacon. She turned around and beamed at me, "Good morning, Nico."

I served myself a few pieces of bacon and sat down at the table. "Hey, Hazel."

She placed a few pieces of bacon on her plate. "Anything exciting happening today?" she asked as she sat down across from me.

I shrugged, "Not that I can think of." Well, besides seeing Percy, but I decided it was best to not mention that.

Our conversation was suddenly interrupted by the roar of an engine coming from outside. The sound ceased, and a few moments later, someone rapped on the door. "I'll get it," Hazel volunteered. She stood from her chair, and exited the kitchen. I heard her open the door, and greet someone cheerfully. I strained my ears to hear what they were saying, but most of their discussion was intelligible. About two minutes later, Hazel entered the kitchen, followed by Will.

"Will!" I exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"

Will grinned, "I'm here to take you to school."

"Isn't that what the bus is for?" I teased.

"I'm your new bus!" Will replied.

I chuckled, "Okay, cool. Just let me finish breakfast. I'll be out in a sec." Will nodded and headed back outside to wait in the car. I wolfed down what was left of my breakfast, said goodbye to Hazel, and hurried outside.

Will was waiting in the Thunderbird when I got outside. As soon as he saw me, he rolled down the window and gestured for me to get in. I slid into the passenger's side, slamming the door behind me.

"Ready?" Will asked. I nodded in response. Will fired up the engine, and started down the street.

"Hey, Nico?" Will said.

"Hmmm?" I answered absentmindedly.

Will bit his lip, "Do you like anyone?"

"I like you."

"No, not like that. Like, like anyone?"

"Well..." I hesitated. If Will knew I was gay, would he still like me? Would he assume I had a crush on him like so many other guys did?

Will raised an eyebrow, "Nico?"

I let out a sigh. I had to be honest with Will. If he was really my friend, he wouldn't care. "I like Percy," I answered.

Will suddenly jerked the steering wheel so that we were hurdling towards the curb. A scream escaped my mouth, and I gripped the seat as hard as I could. Just before we crashed, Will slammed on the brakes. "What?"

"I-I like Percy Jackson," I repeated.

"You mean your gay?" Will asked in disbelief.

I stared at my feet, ashamed. I just lost the closest friend I had. I should've never told him.

"No, no- gah!" Will exclaimed. He shook his head, "I mean that's fine, I'm gay too."

Now, it was my turn to be shocked. "What?"

"Yeah," Will repeated, "I'm gay." I stared at him with my mouth hanging open, trying to process what just happened. Will frowned, "It's no weirder than you liking Percy Jackson," he snapped.

I raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong with Percy?"

"He's straight, Nico!" Will cried. "He would never like you back, not in a million years!"

Those words stung. "Why would you say that?" I squeaked.

"Say what?" Will snarled. I sensed something new in his voice. Fury? Betrayal? Jealousy?

"Say that Percy would never like me back. The Will I knew would never say something like that. The Will I knew was always happy and kind," I replied.

Will scowled, "I thought you hated me! I thought me being happy and kind annoyed you!"

I shook my head, "No. What made you think that?"

"You always act so disgusted by it! I try so hard to be nice to you! I try so hard to impress you! You were just too stubborn to see just how much I loved you, Nico! Why do you think I took you to that movie? Why do you think I wanted to show you the stars? Why do you think I wanted to point out every constellation and show off?" Will shouted. He suddenly flushed and turned away. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, trying to figure out what had just happened.

Will started the car. "Let's just get to school," he muttered, not daring to meet my eyes. We arrived at school, and I stepped out of the car without a word. Will drove off without saying goodbye.

I didn't see him at all that morning. He didn't walk me to class, he didn't talk to me, he didn't even wave to me in the halls. It was like we were strangers again.

The whole morning, I had this empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. Almost like I had lost something important, and there was no way to get it back. Sometimes, out of habit, I would glance over my shoulder, expecting to see Will's ridiculous grin. But, I was only greeted by the sight of the empty space behind me filled with strangers.

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