Chapter 27

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When Will and I stepped into the hall, I was met with the surprise of my dad and stepmom, Marie, waiting to see Hazel.

"Dad?" I gasped when I spotted him. 

"Nico!" he exclaimed. "You're here!"

I glared at him, "Of course I'm here."

"Is Hazel okay?" Marie asked. 

"No, she's in the hospital," I snarled in reply. 

"We came as soon as we got the news," Dad told me. "Do you know how she's doing?"

"She has three broken limbs, a few broken ribs, and head trauma," I answered. 

"Poor Hazel," Marie said, leaning against my dad. She focused her cold eyes on me, "This wouldn't have happened if you were around."

At this remark, I lost it. "If I had been around? The parents who go to work before Hazel and I wake up and return after we've gone to bed think I'm the one who needs to be around more?" I roared. "You didn't even care about us! But now that your daughter's possibly dying, you suddenly decide to reappear and make everything better? No, it doesn't work like that! You can't just suddenly come back to us now that this has happened!"

My parents recoiled in shock. "Nico," my dad said gently. "We're sorry."

"No, you're not! You never even try to spend time with us, not even on weekends! It's like you don't even exist!" I retorted. 

Marie leaned forward to place her hand on my shoulder, "Sweetheart-" 

"No!" I snapped, pulling away. "I'm tired of you entering and leaving our lives whenever you feel like it! Do you know how much pain you've cause Hazel and I? Do you realize how hard it's been for us?" My parents stared at me in silence. "Exactly," I said. "You don't, now go."

They stood there for a moment, gazing at me as if they wanted to say something, but not once opening their mouths. "I said go!" I repeated. They finally turned around and hurried out of the hall, not bothering to say another word. I watched, shaking with rage, as they retreated down the corridor. 

I suddenly felt Will place his hand on my shoulder. I turned around and met his twinkling blue eyes. "That's was brave," he said.

I flushed, "T-thanks." Will grinned and slipped his hand into mine. Somehow, just having Will there made everything better. 

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