Chapter 23

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I stood in front of my mirror, tidying my hair and straightening my clothes. It was Friday night, Will and I's date, and I was determined to look nice. Once I finished, I hurried downstairs to meet Will. 

"Later, Hazel," I said, planting a kiss on her cheek as I hurried out the door. 

She smiled at me, "Have fun!" I exited the house and spotted the Thunderbird parked in the driveway. Will was smiling at me from the driver's seat, his eyes twinkling with excitement. 

"Hey, Will," I said as I approached the car.

Will beamed, "Hey. Ready to go?" I nodded in reply. Will went around to the other side of the car, opened the door, and gestured for me to enter. As soon as I had seated myself, Will reached into his back pocket and pulled out a black bandana. 

I eyed it curiously, "What's that?"

"Your blindfold," Will replied. "Our date's a surprise, remember?"

"Oh, right," I answered. 

Will grinned, "Now hold still while I put it on." He folded the bandana, and covered my eyes with it. I felt his fingers fumbling around the back of my head as he secured it. "There," he said when he was finished. I heard him slam my door, and a few moments later, he slipped into the front seat and started the car. 

We drove for about half an hour. The entire time, I focused on the rumble of the wheels on the road and Will humming under his breath. Finally, I felt the car come to a stop. 

"Can I take off my blindfold now?" I asked, lightly tugging at the bandana. 

"Sure," Will replied. He undid the blindfold, and shoved it into his pocket. I blinked several times, attempting to clear my vision. As soon as I was able to see clearly, I stepped out of the car and into the cool night air. 

What I saw astounded me. We had parked next to a spacious field that went on for miles. Long grass rippled in the breeze. The air was perfumed with the sweet aroma of wildflowers. A lone oak tree stood in the center of the field, sighing as the wind rustled its branches. 

But the most amazing thing was the sky. Above us, hundred of thousands of stars covered the night sky. They glittered and twinkled above our heads, forming shapes against the black. A full moon illuminated the earth with soft, silver light. 

"This is beautiful," I gasped. 

Will grinned, "Isn't it?" He slid onto the hood of the Thunderbird and beckoned me to join him. I situated myself beside him, and together we looked towards the stars. 

"Tell me more about nerdy astronomy stuff," I requested. 

Will chuckled, "Nerdy astronomy stuff?"

"Yeah," I replied, nodding. "That's what it is."

"Okay, sure," Will said. He laid down on the hood and scanned the sky. His eyes fell on a set of stars that formed what looked like a pair of stick figures awkwardly holding hands. "That's Gemini, the twins," he explained. He continued to wander the sky, occasionally stopping to point out a certain set of stars and tell me about them. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of his voice. A cold breeze blew through my hair, a stark contrast from the warm hood of the car. 

"Hey, Will," I said suddenly.

He stopped talking and sat up, "Yeah?"

"Do you love me?" I asked, propping myself up with my elbows. 

Will stared at me quizzically, "Of course. Why do you need to ask?"

I looked out across the field, "I don't know. It seems like every time some one loves me, something happens to them. Either that, or they turn out to be lying."

Will slipped his fingers under my chin and turned my head towards him. His messy blond curls blew in the wind, his blue eyes shined in the moonlight. God, he was perfect. "Nico," he whispered, returning me to reality, "I'm different."

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. Will leaned close, and pressed his forehead against mine. He laced his fingers with mine and sang softly, "Here comes the sun, little darlin', here comes the sun. I say, it's all right, it's all right. Little darlin', it's been a long cold lonely winter. Little darlin', it feels like years since you've been here. Here comes the sun, little darlin', here comes the sun. I say, it's all right, it's all right." 

We simply sat there on the hood of the Thunderbird, foreheads pressed together, fingers intertwined, and Will singing while the stars watched over us from above. I couldn't help but think, Is this real?  I glanced at the field out of the corner of my eye and felt Will's breath against my face. Yes, I thought. He finished the song, and gently kissed me. 

"I love you Will Solace," I whispered.

Will grinned, "I love you too, Nico Di Angelo."

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