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Today was going to be different. I could feel it when I woke up. A strange excitement filled me—I couldn't put my finger on why. Maybe it's because I knew I'd be spending the whole summer with Matt. Or was it because I was finally gonna be in high school in a few short months? Nadine and I were the first to plant ourselves on the retaining wall across the street from my house. I wondered whose pool we'd infiltrate, or if we'd go down to the beach.

I was antsy with anticipation of Matt's arrival. It was already hot. As ideal as Nicole's pool was, one of her older brothers could be such a jerk. He wasn't very accepting of us as a group. Our gang consisted of several guys. We were now a co-ed sampler of newly-minted high school freshman, and knowing him, it would just be one more reason to give us a hard time.

Greg Sanchez rolled up on his bike in all his plumpness. His jet-black hair made his fair skin look paler. His stomach spilled over his pants. Greg was interesting, his brothers had a huge influence on his behavior and he was always eager to share the going's on with them. It was gross and at the same time intriguing to listen to. Like the time he brought over his brother's video camera and showed us firsthand what'd gone down with a freshman in the boy's locker room.

This one poor kid got all his clothes taken away behind his back as someone distracted him. He was left standing in his underwear and everyone was laughing at him. I guess they'd finally found his clothes in a trashcan across campus. That was the saddest thing to watch, and we all grew quiet with fear. In hushed tones, we wondered out loud how we'd get through our freshman year, especially the guys. Remembering their worried expressions made my stomach turn.

"What's up?" Greg said, nodding. I was happy to see him riding his bike; most of the time he had one of his brothers drive him over. He climbed off of his bike, letting it fall onto the sidewalk, and walked toward us. He stood there, breathing heavily, and lifted his t-shirt, wiping his sweaty face and exposing his pale white belly to us.

"Greg, you really need to get some sun on that thing. Your arms are super-tan and your stomach belongs somewhere else," Nadine said, crossing her arms in disgust.

"Nadine!" I choked, trying to not laugh. She was so abrupt and embarrassing sometimes. Well, a lot of the time.

"Well, it's true. Tan fat is better than white fat."

Greg lifted his shirt again, rubbing his stomach. "My food baby likes being white."

"In all seriousness, Greg, I also used to be chubby in grade school, but I got my shit together. Tan that thing or don't flash it at me." Nadine turned away, mock-gagging, and Greg laughed. I laughed too, nudging his arm. He was such a good sport—always taking everyone's shit.

"So what's going on?" Greg wondered aloud. "I need a pool, or let's go down to the beach."

"Not much. Did you go by Matt's house?" I asked casually, not making eye contact, worried he would read my mind if our eyes locked.

Thinking of Matt Squire with his bold green eyes made me warm inside. I totally crushed on Matt. He was fast becoming Abercrombie status. He was the only guy who made me nervous. I wondered when he'd show up.

"Nope, they went to Vegas," Greg answered, kicking the rocks around in the flowerbed next to the retaining wall. "What's going on today?"

My fire went out. I slumped, kicking my feet hard against the wall. I was bummed I wouldn't see Matt, and wondered how long he would be gone.

"I don't know," I said, sulking, "Beats me. We should go to Nicole's." I hopped off the wall, frustrated.

That's the moment my world began to change. Justin Bieber, the boy next door, pulled into his driveway. I'd known Justin practically my entire life. He's someone who'd spent the night at my house, sleeping next to me, piled on the floor in front of the TV. Nadine perked up instantly, fluffing her hair while glancing down at her chest. I then glanced down at mine, and back at hers. She pulled down on her tank top to show off her boobs a bit more. I looked back down at my chest. What the? I thought. What's she doing? I glanced in Justin's direction, I didn't think he noticed us.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now