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As I moved into the living room where Nadine and Mike were still playing Wii, I ran my fingers through my hair to shield myself from Rachel's laser vision. Mike and Nadine appeared to be enjoying each other, especially Nadine, who was wearing a mile-wide smile. She didn't realize that Rachel had arrived, unannounced.

I looked out of place with my denim shorts and white tee shirt. My unkempt hair looked wild compared to the other girl's stylish blunt cuts. Sienna wore fishnet stockings under her ripped up jean shorts and laced up boots. Her jet-black hair was so perfect that it looked like a wig. She wore her signature red lipstick and cat-like black eyeliner. I had a full-on girl crush for her.

Nadine threw her hands in the air, fussing about losing to Mike. She proceeded to grab her adult beverage and look around. Finally, to my relief she walked over to me.

"Looks like the band's all here," Nadine said quietly, taking a mouthful of beer. She leaned against the sofa. "Uh oh, blondie's staring us down. Watch out."

"Give that to me," I said, grabbing the beer bottle out of her hand, taking a long swig. I pressed the bottle to my lips, rubbing its smooth surface against them my the thoughts swirled uncontrollably. The taste was disgusting. I gagged. "Gross, how can you drink this stuff?"

"Right on, Ari, smooth everything out," Nadine whispered encouragingly as her eyes darted around. "Why is Rachel here anyway?"

"I know, right? Maybe we should leave?"

"Hell no!" she hissed, her face animated with defiance. "That's just what she wants, to vibe us out the door. Sorry, it ain't happening."

Justin startled me by gently taking the beer out of my hand. His body pressed up against my back. I felt his breath brush my ear. "I don't think this is a good idea," he whispered. "Just what I need is for my mom to walk in and find you holding this." I could have melted into a puddle at his feet. He squeezed my hand and walked away. Nadine looked bemused.

I shrugged. Words escaped me as I stood there pretending to be innocent.

"Rachel just followed Justin into the kitchen. She was watching us." Nadine sniffed. "What a crazy bitch. You better be careful."

"What are you talking about?" I said, uncomfortable.

"Oh, come on Ari – it's obvious he's totally into you," she said, not sounding too put off.

It was now or never. I was standing at confession's ledge and I'd decided to jump.

"I have to talk to you. Let's go to my house – better yet let's go to Nicole's, so we can fill her in on the drama." At this point I could no longer play the game. It was exhausting. I just prayed my sister wouldn't find out about Justin. Nadine said goodbye to Mike and he jumped up from his seat.

"You're leaving, why?" he asked, staring directly at me. Why me? "You're coming to the party tonight, right?"

"Where's it at, can I text you? We need to take care of something," Nadine said as if she didn't notice and took out her phone with its glitter pink case, punching in Mike's number.

I could hear Justin and Rachel arguing. We passed by the kitchen as we headed towards the front door and Justin called out my name.

"Ari, wait!" Justin shouted. I could hear Rachel calling to him – "Justin come on" – but he was quickly at my side. "Let me get rid of everyone and I'll text you."

The touch of his hand on my elbow made me stop in my tracks. I was unconvinced he would text anytime soon.

"Isn't there some party tonight?" I reminded him, standoffish.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now