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I finally cleared my head enough to walk into Nicole's house. Nicole Hamilton and I had been best friends since the 4th grade. Her tall, thin build and saucer-wide blue eyes were a contrast to my delicate, doll-like features, brown hair and eyes.

I opened the front door and a blast of cool air slapped me in the face. I loved the air-conditioning. We didn't turn ours on throughout the day - "It's too expensive", my mother would say. Nicole's family had lots of money. I had to admit, I was jealous. She got whatever she wanted.

Nadine wasn't there yet. Nicole's brothers, Stephen and Chris, were hanging out in the family room, watching TV. I crawled up onto the stairs, sitting midway up, which gave me a clear view of them and of the backyard, too. It was around 11:30 in the morning, and it was already 90 degrees. This was not normal Southern California beach weather. I looked through the sliding glass door, and Greg was chasing Grant, squirting him with the hose. I could see Nicole lying out, getting a tan.

"Hey Ariana," Stephen said. Chris didn't look at me. Chris was the best-looking brother, and he knew it, too. Stephen had an offbeat good look and wore his hair longer, dressing like those eclectic hot Euro boys. Chris was sporty, the jock, and it was all about him.

"Hi." I smiled, holding the railing above my head with both hands. I leaned my head through the bars. "It's so effing hot outside, and I'm not ready to go melt yet. Do you mind if I sit here for a minute?"

"Nope, feel free to sit as long as you'd like." Stephen got up and walked into the kitchen. My mother would sell her soul for their kitchen, with its grey granite counters and one of those industrial stoves. The fridge was one that looked like cabinets, and it was doublewide. "You want something to drink?" Stephen offered. "Cut the dust?"

"Yes, please."

"What's your vice?"

"Vice?" I tilted my head.

"Vice means-hmm, how do I explain this?" He placed both hands on the counter looking down. "It means what's your weakness, or what is it that you like the most. I think." He stared up at me, smiling.

"Ok, good enough," I laughed. "I'll take a Coke if you've got it."

"Yep." He walked over to the fridge.

I was now looking at guys in a new light. I noticed how muscular Stephen's arms were, and compared him to Justin. His t-shirt fit nicely over his biceps and chest-something I would have never noticed before. I admired his face as he turned around. I smiled at him when he reached up to hand me the soda. Our eyes locked for a second, and my stomach flipped.

What the heck?

"Thanks, Stephen." I was lost for any other words.

"Uh, yeah, of course," his lips curled slightly upward. He stared at me for a moment longer before he turned around.

I became self-conscious with that totally weird moment. What the hell was going on? Was I emitting some new vibe? I sat there drinking my soda, looking over the can, now focusing on Chris. Nadine crushed hard on Chris, too. I wondered how the Justin thing would play out because of that. Come to think about it, Nadine crushed on all the hot guys. She was completely boy crazy.

I never gave it too much thought until today, until the electricity had surged through me during our water fight. Why was I noticing guys in a different light now than I had before? I couldn't wait for Nadine to show up. I wanted to know when she first felt that intense attraction for a guy, if she ever felt what I was feeling. I ran through our fake conversation in my head. I'd play it off like I was envious.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now