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She was like white light when I pulled around the corner. Ariana waited in the darkness, shielded from the streetlights by massive hovering tree limbs. She stood in a white sweater, with three others, glowing like an angel. I couldn't get out fast enough and left the van running. Rounding the backside I ran into her as she threw herself at me. She wrapped her arms around me tightly. I held her face with my good hand and kissed her hard. Her soft lips and sweet smell made me weak. I'd never been so excited to be with another person in my entire life. I pulled away taking in her beautiful, flawless features.

"Man, you're a sight," I said, breathless. Looking around to see if anyone could see us and grabbed her hand walking toward the others.

"Sup man," Chris said smiling broadly, extending his hand.

"Ha, not sure how smart I am trying to pull this off," I said taking his hand and squeezing it firmly.

"Shit dude, what happened?" Chris said surprised, pointing at my other hand.

Ariana gasped. "Oh, no," she whispered loudly. "I forgot, I didn't notice. Does it hurt?"

"Yep, it's throbbing," I said holding it up for everyone else to see. "And the story is too long to go into, let's just say there're changes on the horizon.

Everyone uncomfortably looked around at each other, waiting for someone to say something.

"Thanks so much guys, for covering for us." Ariana moved toward Nadine hugging her. "I'll text when we're on our way back." She bounced with excitement.


I held Ariana's hand while I planned out our next move. I most definitely couldn't take the pain meds. It would have to be a handful of Advil's. I instructed Bobby to leave when he saw my truck pass by. Was I crazy? Yeah, I was, but it was worth it.

"Alright, let's do this," I said eagerly.

Swiftly walking our way down the block to my house Ariana brought up the pictures she'd seen. "What were you thinking, Justin? When you were with that girl?"

"Ari, I wasn't thinking. I never meant for that to happen. It was a quick moment and I never saw or spoke to her again." I said, remorsefully. "I promise nothing like that will happen again. I'm done drinking like that. I promise." We stood at the foot of my truck as Ariana accepted my apology. Holding her tight against me, she was the only one I wanted.

"Justin," Ariana whispered. "Your mom will think someone stole your truck when she sees that's it's gone."

"Don't worry. I'll text her that someone needed to borrow it and I forgot to tell her. I've loaned my truck out before. She won't think twice about it."

My mother's car was parked right next to my truck and my heart started to race faster knowing she was just yards away. Her bedroom window was at the front of the house and I prayed she wouldn't hear us.

"Oh my God," Ariana whispered loudly, "I would die if Kyle or Allison pulled up."

"Don't worry, get in," I said, clicking the remote as the head and taillights lit up the night with a flash.

Ariana quickly got in shutting the door gently. Every sound we made echoed through the still night. I held my breath as I got in shutting my door too.

"Okay, we have a 6 hour drive back. I have to stop to get Advil and fill up the tanks..."

"Oh my God," Ariana gasped interrupting me. An alarming look spread over her face and my heart jumped to my throat. "Your mom," she croaked out.

Time stopped. My mom was standing on the darkened front porch, staring at us, unmoving.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now