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I spotted Ariana as I drove up our street and signaled to her that I'd turn around. Driving slowly back down I didn't see her on either side. I slowed, looking around. She was standing in Marshall's driveway. What the hell was wrong with him? I thought. I pulled up checking out his patterned t-shirt and tight white skinny jeans. He had his hair flared out a la 80's band Flock of Seagulls, accentuated with a hot pink leopard fabric headband. He was definitely wearing make-up. It took everything inside me not to ask him if he looked in the mirror before going out in public. I thought better of it because of Ariana, but I seriously didn't get it.

I waited patiently while they talked a more few minutes, but I couldn't keep waiting. "Hey Ari, I gotta get going," I shouted and waved at Marshall.

Ariana thoughtfully stared at Marshall a moment longer and the breeze whipped her hair around her face. Everything slowed down as I focused on her plump, naturally pink lips. I loved that she didn't wear lipstick. Loved it. Her tan legs carried her towards me. Her strut flowed with an ease of a feline... Aricat. The thought of the nickname I gave her made me smile. I wondered if she thought it was corny.

She opened the passenger side door and tossed her shiny silver metallic bag onto my not so clean floor mat. The bluster of wind stirred a new, unfamiliar fragrance into the cab, a sweet scent. Ariana slammed the door shut and a smile spread across her face. I wanted to kiss her, but I refrained from reacting. A bit of self-consciousness came over me.

Why does that keep happening?

Marshall stared at us in earnest, smiling. I smiled back and waved goodbye. Poor kid, maybe he didn't have a choice whether to be gay or not and he seemed not to mind it, being perfectly aware of who he was. Huh, I couldn't say I knew who I was anymore, that was for sure.

Driving down the road I couldn't stop glancing at her, it had been days since we were near each other. I felt that rush of energy Ariana always spoke of, a live, invisible wire. I couldn't take it anymore and pulled over before we reached the light going out to the main road.

"What's up, why are you pulling over?" she asked, as we came to a stop.

Without answering her, I leaned over bringing her face closer to mine. She didn't fight me and she moved in quicker than I expected. She grabbed both sides of my face. Taking her lips to mine, I felt a frenzy overcome me. I was engulfed by a powerful surge. The way she smelled, the way she tasted, the softness of her lips, her tongue and her skin were spinning me out of control. She was equally aggressive, completely inebriating me. I backed my seat up and pulled her over onto my lap. She felt my excitement and a gasp escaped her.

"Am I hurting you?" She whispered, heavily.

"No." I couldn't help but moan.

Her black eye liner had started to smudge a little under her eyes from the heat we were generating. Our chests heaved in unison and her warm sweat breath flashed over my face.

"Ari, this is what you do to me." I admitted, brushing her hair away from her cheek and she started to kiss me again.

A car horn startled us.

"Shit, who is it?" She said, burying her head into my neck.

Hoots and hollers followed and the honking persisted from an unfamiliar beat-up Jeep Cherokee. We realized it was Chris and Nadine.

"Get a room you two!" Nadine shouted over Chris, who was in the driver's seat.

Ariana shouted back. "You scared the shit out of me!"

"Ha, that's what you get for sucking face right where your parents could drive by!"

"Later," Chris hollered and sped away.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now