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When I watched Ari go back into her house while I hid at our "secret entrance," it really started to hit me that she was unlike any of the girls I knew. I dug her-completely. Making my way back into my room I sat in front of my computer and opened my email. I glanced over the messages Rachel told me about. More dates for local shows before we were to leave on tour. I wasn't sure if we could pull any of them off. I brought up my calendar in attempt to figure out the timing of everything, but my mood was strange.

I felt empty inside and I couldn't focus. I knew right away it was because of Ariana. Liking her was the last thing I needed. I didn't need any distractions in my life. The thing with Rachel was gonna be enough for me to handle, but there I sat, wondering if Ari was really going to come back.

I wasn't in the mood to work. I lay on my bed and watched the time tick by before finally turning on the TV, which did nothing to distract me from my thoughts of her. I should have gotten her phone number. What if her parents caught her sneaking out? I wondered if she really had the balls to go through with it. Who knew what girls tried to get away with at that age? Ugh, that was another thing-her age.

As always, my acoustic guitar came to my rescue. It stared at me from the corner of my room, perched perfectly in its stand, calling to me. Grabbing it, I sat on my bed, tracing my fingers across its smooth wooden contours. I thought about Rachel and Ari, comparing them to each other. Thoughts flooded my brain and I grew anxious. I felt bad about Rachel, regardless of her personality flaws. I told myself not to waste my time worrying about her. What would be would be.

My mind twisted back to Ari, and thoughts began to get the best of me. I wondered what it would mean if she did show up. I thought about how soft she felt when I hugged her at the gate, and the way her hair smelled. I liked how clean she was. She wasn't sticky and made up like all the others.

I pictured Ari creeping down the stairs, out of her house, and into my room. For a brief second I wondered if she'd want to make out. I quickly pushed it from my mind, reminding myself what she was to me. She was my kid next-door neighbor, or at least she used to be; the few years' age difference shouldn't matter now. Besides, I told myself, she probably wouldn't show.

I began to strum a tune and the words began to flow-grabbing a pad of paper, I had the whole song written in less than an hour:


Sleepless nights aren't new to me

All these thoughts are killing me

Someone come and put me to ease

All of my anxiety

There's no cause that I can see

What's this scratching at my brain

And I can't stop

even if I wanted to

It's up top

Maybe I'm simply deluded

That's right

Here I am just wasting my time

All my time

And it's hard to justify what you can do

I'm so sick and tired of falling through

It's true, maybe I've been wasting my time

All this time

Come creeping, no one can hear you now

I listen, so you can show me how

There's something that I'm missing here

Softly, stab my evil dreams

Faster, help me fall asleep

Come close, I don't wanna see you again

From time to time, we fall in line

But now it seems that we are blind

No one knows, that's how it goes

all the thoughts that we transpose

And I can't stop

even if I wanted to

It's up top

Maybe I'm simply deluded

That's right

Here I am just wasting my time

All my time

And It's hard to justify what you can do

I'm so sick and tired of falling through

It's true, Maybe I've been wasting my time

All this time

Just as I hit the last chord, I heard the gate make noise, at exactly the same moment my phone began to ring. It was Notting. My heart sprung up into my throat. She fucking showed. Now what? I had to take Notting's call and answered the phone. I would have to tell him I would call him back. What the hell was I getting myself into?

Smiling to myself, I realized that I didn't even care.


song credit to Bad Suns :)

short chapter but vote if you're excited for the next chapter

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