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((their outfits are in the manip but also feel free to just imagine anything you want <3))

Nicole and Nadine stood behind me facing my reflection in the wall of mirrors. We stared at the revamped me, in awe. I by far was the most dramatic change. Their faces were lit up, looking more excited than I did.

"Suck on that, Rachel Schaffer." Nadine hugged my shoulders.


We arrived at one of the many mini mansions that lined Circle Avenue. It had a waterfall pouring down the front of the house. The lights reflected off the water shimmering like diamonds. There were lights all around lit up like a Hawaiian resort at night. The landscape was lush with tropical plants. The house was three stories tall with, windows everywhere. It was obvious during the daytime it would have an insane ocean view. We were only a few blocks away from the beach, a top of one of its small rolling hills in Hermosa Beach. You could hear the thumping of music as we parked the car. Chris turned to us, his tight stare bouncing back and forth between us.

"Ok, here's the deal, you guys stick together," he told us. "You'll need some cash to get in. It's not free, so I hope you have money. If the cops show up, leave and walk down to the Green Store on twenty-second street and I'll pick you up there. If something happens, text."

"Why do we have to pay to get in?" I asked curiously, wondering why he'd failed to mention this until now.

"For the beer n'stuff," Chris explained. "Speaking of, Nadine, you don't need to pay me for the ride – just cover me getting in."

"Does that mean I don't have to do your laundry?" Nicole asked, hopeful.

"Uh, no. You still have to do my laundry," Chris said, laughing as he got out of the car.

"You bitch," Nicole whined to Nadine, "You're gonna help me do his effing laundry!"

"Dude, I'll do all of it." She smiled, shoving at Nicole to get out of the car.

My heart thudded so hard I could feel it in my fingertips. As soon as Nadine and Nicole got out, we were all shining like beacons. Chris came around the car to meet us, amusement painted his face.

"This'll be interesting. I feel kinda lucky. Hate to say it, but you three may make my game a little better with the ladies," Chris said, rubbing his hands together.

"Oh, get over yourself already," Nadine said, rolling her eyes. "Nobody wants you."

"Oh, shit, snap." Nicole laughed in Chris' face.

"Come on Nadine, you know you want me," Chris purred in her ear and practically draping his 200 pound, 6'3 frame over her.

Nadine tried to shove him off and walk away but he stayed attached to her laughing. They actually made a cute couple. Chris may have met his match in Nadine – especially if he liked being slapped around.

We paid five bucks a head to get in and Chris knew every single person we passed as we made our way toward a crowd of people holding big red cups.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna find me a cup," he said, and disappeared into the crowd.

"Hey, hello! Get me one!" Nadine shouted after him then turned to us. "He better get me one, or I'll kick his ass."

"Oh, my God, I'm so freaking nervous," I whispered loudly. "I don't want to obviously be looking for Justin, but do you guys see him?"

"I'm looking," Nicole said. "I can't believe how many hot guys are here! It's like an Abercrombie candy store."

"I know!" I giggled, "Can you freaking believe we're here?"

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