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No, this wasn't happening! I turned attempting desperately to grab onto someone, anyone. The person I tried to latch onto was Rachel, and with an evil glint in her eye she yanked her arm away from me. I hit the water with a flailing theatrical plunge. As I was sinking to the bottom of the pool, I wanted to stay there drowning in my humiliation. I gasped for air when my head bobbed to the surface and the first thing I heard was my sister yelling. I treaded to the steps trying not to cry. I climbed out glaring at Rachel, wishing she'd burn into flames right then and there. I pictured myself tackling her into the swimming pool and holding her under, drowning her. My sister was going off like she had Tourette's, which meant she must have seen her push me in. Justin was immediately at my side, consoling me.

"That bitch did this on purpose," I growled. I sat drenched at the side of the pool taking Nicole's boots off. Just then another big splash erupted at the other end, some guy cannonballed into the pool, thankfully taking the attention off of me.

"Damn, looks like you started a trend," Justin half laughed, trying to make light of my soggy situation. Hoots and hollers came from all around. "Rachel said it was an accident and that she tried to grab ahold of you."

I interrupted, aghast at hearing him making excuses for her. "Are you serious, Justin?" I yelled. "I grabbed her arm and she yanked it away from me! She laughed in my face!" He was silent and switched his gaze from me to her in the distance, his face went blank and disappointment replaced his concern.

I could still hear my sister going off, but couldn't decipher her words. The only thing I heard was – "fucking whore" – those were my sister's last words to Rachel as she shoved people out of her way making it to my side.

"Let's go! That stupid skank better watch her back," Allison hissed. I never knew that she'd have it in her to stick up for me.

"I'll take her home," Justin offered, standing tall and authoritatively.

"Oh, you will? I bet you will, and what else, Justin?" she spat out cynically.

I interrupted. "Allison, let's go. Come on, all of us."

Justin held out his hand and helped me to my feet as he glared at Allison. We ran into Sienna and Dump on the way out. Sienna looked at me with apologetic eyes, she couldn't believe Rachel would do something so lame in such a public way, but in the same breath she said she wasn't surprised under the circumstances. That revelation took another gouge out of my already hollowed and ulcerated stomach. Some random girl came up handing me a fluffy oversized towel. Justin grabbed it away from me, wrapping me in it.

I thanked her.

"No problem, it was awesome watching Allison go off on her. I can't stand her." She laughed, with joy. "Try and have a great rest of the night," she said and disappeared into the crowd.

Justin and I locked eyes. I squinted with rage. "I told you, she's freaking crazy and nobody likes her."

"Let's go," Justin urged and pulled me along with him. He'd clearly had enough.

Chris stepped up and offered to take Nadine and Nicole. They wanted to stay at the party. I didn't blame them. Allison's silence was deafening. She would usually be going off for the world to hear, and it was killing me that she wasn't saying a word. I pulled on Justin's arm and we stopped to wait for Allison and Owen to catch up.

"Allison, please don't say anything to mom and dad," I begged, nearly in tears. I could feel my throat thickening and it made me want to scream.

"Ari, what the hell do you think you're doing? You're 14 years old. You haven't even officially started high school yet and look at you." She held out both hands pointing out my appearance. "There are a number of reasons why I'm pissed, Ari. We'll talk when we get home."

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now