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The drone of the TV was no distraction from the buzz of energy I felt between us. That same energy Ariana spoke of all those weeks ago, something I'd never understood or was too intoxicated to feel with anyone else. Holding her cool thin hand in mine I decided this was something I'd never felt before and I wanted to define it. A melody began flying through my head and I began to hum.

"Wha'cha singing' about?" Ariana said, squeezing my hand.

Opening my eyes, I was a little embarrassed. "Oh, something that's been simmering a little while, but guess what? I think I wanna make it a duet."

"Can't wait to hear it."

"Have you ever wanted to sing?"

"No!" She laughed and shook her head like it was the most insane thing she'd ever heard.

"You've never thought about it? For real?"

"Nope. Never."

"You have a really sweet voice, Ari. Like, it's really nice."

"What?" She looked at me stunned.

"Yeah, I hear you singing all the time, and on the way here I really paid attention." I paused, wondering if I should say what'd I'd been thinking since then. "I think it'd be cool if we recorded one together. You know, just for us."

Her eyes opened wide with surprise and immediately her brow furrowed. Her reaction was a mixture of confusion and elation then she smiled broadly, clinching her hands under her chin.

"Wow, really? You think my voice is good enough for that?"

"Yeah, I do. We could record it before I leave, simply, in my garage. I do demo's there all the time."

"Oh my god, sure, I mean that would be so cool. Are you sure? Really?"

Ariana continued to hold her gently clasped hands under her chin with a dubious expression.

"Yeah of course. I've been thinking about it since we got here," I said.

"Okay. Let's do it." She shrieked with excitement and jumped on me. "Oh my god, I'm so nervous about it."

We sat tangled together, kissing, and I wondered if I should suggest us moving to the bed.

"You getting tired?"

"Ehh, not really, but I'm lazy." She giggled, emphasizing with a huge stretch. "What time is it anyway?"

I laughed when I glanced at the bedside clock in the corner of the room. "It's not even nine o'clock."

"You're kidding," she said sitting upright, licking her lips and looking back at the TV. "This movie blows, lets pick another one."

She slid to the edge of her seat and her mouth hinged open. I was stuck on her lip licking. I wanted to lick her lips.

She stared at me for a long moment, searching my eyes, as if looking for an answer. "I don't want this to end."

Her honesty was palpable, compelling me to go for her. I scooped her up, cradling her in my arms as she squealed with laughter.

"This is only the beginning," I said and she yelped as I tossed her on the bed.

The longer we kissed the more open she became. I felt a chub coming on as I ran my hand up her silky, smooth skin. She was eager and aggressive, unquestionably willing to go further, but how far? I wondered through my haze of licks. I held back going to second base. The thought of asking permission ran fleetingly through my mind until she wrapped one of her legs around me, then bam, my hand was filled with her bare breast. This only made Ariana press into me harder. I continued to obsess over her hipbone and caught myself as I nearly took advantage of her bare-openness. I quickly retracted laying flat on my back.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now