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My life slid into boring nothingness.

It was only my third day at beach volleyball practice. This whole volleyball thing, I had to admit, I loved. It had become a welcomed distraction from all things Justin. Thinking of my fair weather friend Nadine, who was "caught in the middle" - Those were her words. I seethed with jealousy that she was always with Nicole. Nadine told me the only reason she hung with Nicole so much was because she's Chris' sister. Whatever – I told her. I felt slighted. I still couldn't believe Nicole hadn't apologized. She totally barfed all over my reputation by making me out to be some Envy wannabe. The truth was if those bitches did a play back, we were all scheming together the night they helped me transform. We were all Envy wannabes in my opinion.

I stretched in the sand as other girls started to arrive. A new girl showed up along with another girl named Stephanie. Stephanie stood out because she had the most amazingly fierce reflexes. I yearn to be that good some day. She introduced the new girl as Renee. She was beautiful, Envy status in a sporty way, with long limbs. I smiled, waving hello. Renee stood eyeballing me and it made me uncomfortable.

What the heck is she staring at?

"Are you the girl who's with Justin Bieber?" Renee asked in a tone I couldn't quite place.

"Uh, yeah, maybe," I replied, trying to play it down. "I'm Ariana."

"Hi, yeah, I recognize your face," she said nodding her head. "I mean, you look different, but yeah, it's you."

"It's nice to meet you."

Renee smiled thoughtfully at me and it finally clicked. This is the Renee that is Justin's ex-girlfriend. This seriously wasn't happening. She glanced up in the direction of The Strand, where the pedestrians walked. There were a few guys standing about waving. She waved back, smiling. I wondered if one of them was her boyfriend. I also wondered what happened between her and Justin and why she never said hello to him at either of the parties I now recalled seeing her at.

We rallied for about fifteen minutes and then started a game. It was exhilarating for me to be playing with others who were at an entirely different skill level. It made me play harder and learn faster. I was teamed with a girl named Sarah and watching Renee from the other side of the court made me yearn for her ability. I now wanted to be like Renee, split down the middle, a little of Renee and Sienna. I was totally girl crushing on the both of them now. I took in everything about her. I glanced up at The Strand and the guys were still there, now sitting and watching.

This was the first full game of two-man volleyball I'd ever played. I didn't think I would be able to hang, but I did it. I dove, served well, and hit at the net near perfect. I set the ball with precision and my ball control couldn't have been more spot-on. We won. I was covered from head to toe with sand like a sugar cookie. Sweat was pouring down my face and the girls had nothing but accolades for me. I kept looking over at Renee, waiting for her to say something too, but she was quiet. Her expression was cheerful though, as she wiped herself with a towel.

The boys still perched on The Strand distracted her.

"Is one of them your boyfriend?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, the taller one, Ethan." She replied.

"Does he go to your school?"

Renee didn't answer me right away. She took her time stuffing her towel into her bag and taking drinks from her red water bottle. I began to feel awkward standing there watching her. Maybe I shouldn't be so nosey, but I couldn't help myself. The other girls took off toward the coach, so I decided to follow.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now